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<img alt="" height="1" width="1">Is Wikipedia Promoting Global Warming Hysteria?
NewsBusters -46 minutes ago
By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive) Two weeks ago, a parent-teacher council blamed the online research source Wikipedia for falling test scores in Scotland. ...

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"Connolley's activity brings the project into disrepute." -- in ArbCom/George-WMC

That last thing said in the article (in that case, "Wikipropaganda On Global Warming"), it is interesting for the wider-coverage media to make:


[...] Nor are Wikipedia’s ideological biases limited to global warming. As an environmentalist I find myself with allies and adversaries on both sides of the aisle, Left and Right. But there is no doubt where Wikipedia stands: firmly on the Left. Try out Wikipedia’s entries on say, Roe v. Wade or Intelligent Design, and you will see that Wikipedia is the people’s encyclopedia only if those people are not conservatives.

Obviously, "left" and "conservatives" are not accurate (or fair) words to use against the other two articles, but the point (or controversy) is still deeply made in itself.
Bob Boy
Based on the ArbCom proposed decision for the Geogre/WMC case, nobody's really interested in addressing his ownership of the global warming articles. Isn't Raul654 the Wizard of Oz when it comes to Wikipedia articles on this subject, or does he just fly top cover for WMC?
Going after the GW article itself is obviously a distraction away from edits/actions that WMC made. With Durova's additional section on WMC, she took the bait. It might not have been intended as bait, but she still reacted on it, and that is interesting.

If anything from GW issues, it shows how Wikipedia affects us beyond Wikipedia -- for those that say not to take Wikipedia seriously.
Bob Boy
QUOTE(Dzonatas @ Wed 9th July 2008, 5:41pm) *

Going after the GW article itself is obviously a distraction away from edits/actions that WMC made. With Durova's additional section on WMC, she took the bait. It might not have been intended as bait, but she still reacted on it, and that is interesting.

If anything from GW issues, it shows how Wikipedia affects us beyond Wikipedia -- for those that say not to take Wikipedia seriously.

I read that section and found it interesting...what is it supposed to say? Are conservatives automatically global warming unbelievers? This may be original research, but when I was driving to work this morning I heard a talk radio rant by Bill O'Reilly stating that global warming was real and people should stop fighting about it.
QUOTE(Bob Boy @ Wed 9th July 2008, 4:04pm) *

Are conservatives automatically global warming unbelievers? This may be original research, but when I was driving to work this morning I heard a talk radio rant by Bill O'Reilly stating that global warming was real and people should stop fighting about it.
Conversely, I'm a liberal Democrat and I don't buy the Anthropogenic GW theory -- I think it's a pretext to forbid the development of the Third World nations, locking them into colonial status.
QUOTE(Bob Boy @ Wed 9th July 2008, 4:04pm) *

I read that section and found it interesting...what is it supposed to say? Are conservatives automatically global warming unbelievers? This may be original research, but when I was driving to work this morning I heard a talk radio rant by Bill O'Reilly stating that global warming was real and people should stop fighting about it.

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