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•Wikiwatcher takes a closer look into anonymous Wikipedia edits, Australia -24 minutes ago
By TJ Kirchner Last August, Virgil Griffith pulled back the curtain on anonymous user edits on Wikipedia entries with Wikiscanner and revealed some serious ...

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According to Forbes, Griffith insisted that his reasoning behind creating these tools isn’t to invade anyone’s privacy or encourage better privacy protection. Although, he does believe that if something like this could be created by a hacker so easily, they Wikipedia should create better anonymity tools. In any case, he believes “if people are anonymous, the quality of their contribution is probably much lower… Wouldn’t you want Wikipedia users to be held accountable for what they change?”

Interesting, but that shows they completely forgot about IPv6, which will make those tools useless for the good or bad they do.

I can already predict that some wikipedia admins blocking people that use IPv6 routes because the admins will, as they already have, foolishly claim proxy edits. lol

•WikiScanner guru tackles anonymous Wikipedia edits
ITProPortal, UK -1 hour ago
Although Wikipedia has grown in recent times to be a must-check reference on a variety of subjects, there's still a lot of anonymous and unvetted ...

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the fieryangel
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Mon 21st July 2008, 9:22pm) *

•WikiScanner guru tackles anonymous Wikipedia edits
ITProPortal, UK -1 hour ago
Although Wikipedia has grown in recent times to be a must-check reference on a variety of subjects, there's still a lot of anonymous and unvetted ...

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He's done this by exploiting a bug in Wikipedia (which has been fixed since he wrote the tool). The Wikipedia bug involved a glitch in the system that sometimes exposed the IP address of Wikipedia's registered account holders if they took too long to edit a discussion page on Wikipedia while logged in. What would happen is the session would time out and would submit the account holder's change with his or her IP address instead of the username, as it was supposed to do.

Griffith says that generally when this happened, the user would quickly log back into the account and replace the published IP address with a user name to retain his or her anonymity. But in doing so, they actually exposed themselves in a more damning way that could be tracked.

"It means you can troll all of Wikipedia looking for any cases where an IP address was removed and a user name was added and have a connection between an IP address and a user name from a single edit," he says.

Interesting: There's David Shankbone's IP address....and wouldn't you know it, it's in the same Verizon IP range as his so-called "stalker"....

Paterson, New Jersey. NetRange: -

Isn't that interesting?
Google seems to find the data also. A bit of the right information to feed google and it turns up databases bases in plain text of editors. I won't point them out, but it was an interesting find. I wouldn't don't these "scanners" have something to do with those databases. ohmy.gif
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