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•Wikipedia With Approvals = Boring Wikipedia?
Mashable, CA -Jul 18, 2008
There’sa wikipedian event called Wikimania 2008 happening in Alexandria, Egypt from 17-19 July. One of the main topics discussed is something called ...

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It's amazing how the concept of moderation and approval keeps coming up in these conversations, and how the real story is how it perturbs the dramaturgy of the game.
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Mon 21st July 2008, 1:22pm) *

•Wikipedia With Approvals = Boring Wikipedia?
Mashable, CA -Jul 18, 2008
There’sa wikipedian event called Wikimania 2008 happening in Alexandria, Egypt from 17-19 July. One of the main topics discussed is something called ...

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Mashable - where we read the opening paragraph of something posted on another site and regurgitate it with some of facts misinterpreted.
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