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•Wikipedia Disallows Any Mention of Alleged John Edwards Scandal
NewsBusters -56 minutes ago
By PJ Gladnick (Bio | Archive) Wikipedia, which allowed verb tenses for their Tim Russert entry to be changed from present to past tense about a half hour ...

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•John Edwards' Wikipedia Page Strangely Love Child-Free
Gawker, NY -21 minutes ago
After all this Mickey Kaus blathering about MSM gatekeepers censoring the news and preventing the reader from learning "what happened yesterday" (or, ...

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•John Edwards Scandal: Wikipedia Debate Can be Seen On-line
Blogger News Network -12 minutes ago
by mondoreb in 2008 Election Coverage, Breaking News, US News A free-for-all has been raging at Wikipedia over whether to include information of the latest ...

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•Wikipedia John Edwards Page Now 'Protected' From Editing
NewsBusters -47 minutes ago
By PJ Gladnick (Bio | Archive) The controversy over Wikipedia's censorship of any update regarding the alleged John Edwards scandal as chronicled by your ...

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Wow, the Right extremists really whining up a storm like bratty spoiled children about not getting to slag Edwards due to BLP and shitty sourcing about his alleged affair in Wikipedia today. Is this like the 4th article?
The Joy
What's strange is I haven't heard a thing about this in the main stream press like CNN or even the BBC. I haven't even heard Edwards confirm or deny any parts of the story. Its almost like nobody cares... or maybe it never happened? Usually allegations of a prominent politician fathering a child outside of marriage would be in the political news for a good while, but... nothing.... absolutely nothing.

Good to see Wikipedia sticking to its BLP policy. Given the strange lack of press coverage over this, I suppose the "scandal" would be non-notable by WP standards.
The article brings up an interesting point, but the problem is that there is an obvious surge to get the article edited a certain (biased) way to make that version get publicity. I've seen it happen before.

Here is an example when I noticed news started to say Greg Craig was Obama's advisor. Check the facts at the Election Commision and you'll find that he is not Obama's advisor.

What happened is that Craig made an appearance at the Obama campaign, and that got reported as "an advisor." People started to update the Glen Craig page that so that it says he is Obama's advisors. More articles started to get written about the controversy of Glen Craig being Obama's advisor and point to the Wikipedia article as the source for such statement.

Now, someone has used one of those articles to put the statement back into the Glen Craig article. Now somebody will probably say it is a secondary source even though it was based off the earlier statement put in Wikipedia.

Further, somebody else probably will say it is newsworthy to put such controversy in to Craig's and Obama's biography because it happened in their life. The fact still remains that the event started on Wikipedia even though Obama's website and the Federal Election Committee both do not have Glen Craig on the Obama campaign staff list.

Also, the Obama page doesn't make any mention of Glen Craig.

•Meet the Mistress! (Just Not on Wikipedia)
Gawker, NY -1 hour ago
"Men. I've never met any. They're all boys. I wish I didn't want them so much.... I hate being alone, but when I wake up in some guy's bed with dry come on ...

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•Wikipedia Struggles With John Edwards Love-Child Report
Wired News -20 minutes ago
By Sarah Lai Stirland July 30, 2008 | 5:53:25 PMCategories: Election '08 Curious about who this John Edwards character really is, given that he might be in ...

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