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•Net Views: Sock puppet tactics on Wikipedia
The Industry Standard, CA -21 minutes ago
Use a closed proxy and run a real sock. This requires a good deal of discipline. Generally, for n=2 socks, editing one with IE and the other with Firefox is ...

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The whole article is basically a link back here and quoting gomi. Odd.
QUOTE(Rootology @ Mon 28th July 2008, 3:07pm) *

The whole article is basically a link back here and quoting gomi. Odd.

Hmmm, on the front page at the moment, I'll move this to the News Worth Discussing forum.
And another one:

...This time quoting User:Yahel_Guhan's farewell post (originally on WP and later posted here in case that got deleted).

Apparently the poster/author, a Mr. Jordan Golson, used to be on Valleywag - but no longer...? We should offer him a job, but I suspect the pay here would be even worse!
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