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Wikipedia is best to bring unbiased truth to the nation, let's all update it!
OpEdNews, PA -59 minutes ago
Whenever you do a search on Google, the first or second hit is often the Wikipedia link. What is so fantastic about Wikipedia? Well, it is an encyclopaedia, ...

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Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Tue 29th July 2008, 12:43pm) *

Never send to know for whom the [knol] tolls; it tolls for thee, WP.

Jon Done cool.gif
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I think that this is, unwittingly, the most perfect article about Wikipedia I have ever seen. So many elements of what makes Wikipedia important are present here, most notably the unabashed faith in Wikipedia's accuracy along with an appeal to use it to promote a partisan message. Wikipedia's article on itself should have a link to this.
QUOTE(Saltimbanco @ Tue 29th July 2008, 5:21pm) *

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I think that this is, unwittingly, the most perfect article about Wikipedia I have ever seen. So many elements of what makes Wikipedia important are present here, most notably the unabashed faith in Wikipedia's accuracy along with an appeal to use it to promote a partisan message. Wikipedia's article on itself should have a link to this.

You're right.

It's rare that we see the site praised for its neutrality by folks advocating its partisanship. Yet another confirmation of its left-leaning tendencies, I guess.
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