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How will Wikia cope when the workers all quit the plantation?

What happens when digital sharecroppers are not happy on the electronic plantations? A dispute (over the amount of space devoted to advertising) between the wiki-hosting startup company Wikia, Inc and the creators of the sites it hosts, is a case study of the conflicts between so-called community and commerce.

Wikia is a for-profit corporation...
I tried to dig through a subject on wikia the other day, and at first I didn't know for sure what were ads and what were not. Then I realized that most of the content on the page was all ads. =/
Doc glasgow
Interesting, it is Transformers fans that are the ones to kick back against Jimbo/Wikia.

Now, if I were a conspiracy theorist, I'd wonder who's dark hand might be "directing" that.

Having just started playig WoW I uses the WoW wiki frequently that is a wikia wiki despite the URL. I dont find the ads paticuarly invasive - its a well set up wiki for the most part.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Doc glasgow @ Fri 1st August 2008, 8:03am) *

Interesting, it is Transformers fans that are the ones to kick back against Jimbo/Wikia.

Now, if I were a conspiracy theorist, I'd wonder who's dark hand might be "directing" that.


Well, those transformers fans are adaptable. Jimmy thought he could just ride them until they turned into Iron Giants. Wups.
QUOTE(Viridae @ Fri 1st August 2008, 8:09am) *

Having just started playig WoW I uses the WoW wiki frequently that is a wikia wiki despite the URL. I dont find the ads paticuarly invasive - its a well set up wiki for the most part.

That one has had less ads. There is a lot of content to make the ads not as in the way. Less content, and you see all the ads:

QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 31st July 2008, 7:40am) *

Wikia is a for-profit corporation...

I wonder if Google's Friend Connect, OpenSocial, or MySpace API, would help out on Wikipedia Review. Hmmm.
QUOTE(Dzonatas @ Fri 1st August 2008, 9:02pm) *

QUOTE(Viridae @ Fri 1st August 2008, 8:09am) *

Having just started playig WoW I uses the WoW wiki frequently that is a wikia wiki despite the URL. I dont find the ads paticuarly invasive - its a well set up wiki for the most part.

That one has had less ads. There is a lot of content to make the ads not as in the way. Less content, and you see all the ads:

QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 31st July 2008, 7:40am) *

Wikia is a for-profit corporation...

I wonder if Google's Friend Connect, OpenSocial, or MySpace API, would help out on Wikipedia Review. Hmmm.

The more ads, the more they push people to Adblock Plus or the like (and I have to say that it is a joy. especially with those nasty animated ones that leave you alone).

Given that Adblock is so effective, and free, and leaves the pages intact, much better than the older versions of Norton I used that used to mess up pages (I assume that it works better these days).

I don't really see that it is wise to build a business model on advertising, except perhaps for the Googles of this world.
QUOTE(dogbiscuit @ Fri 1st August 2008, 1:12pm) *

I don't really see that it is wise to build a business model on advertising, except perhaps for the Googles of this world.

If setup correctly and not just for the social toys, Google's Friend Connect and OpenSocial can be path for traffic as like created with viral ads. It isn't that simple to just add the stuff. Wikia probably will hold onto its model for awhile. Someone like Wikipedia Review has more room to change the model.
QUOTE(Viridae @ Fri 1st August 2008, 8:09am) *

Having just started playig WoW I uses the WoW wiki frequently that is a wikia wiki despite the URL. I dont find the ads paticuarly invasive - its a well set up wiki for the most part.

It used to look much nicer when it was starting out, imo. Once they got big, the Wikia folks swooped down and sunk their claws into it.
QUOTE(Derktar @ Sat 2nd August 2008, 8:20am) *

QUOTE(Viridae @ Fri 1st August 2008, 8:09am) *

Having just started playig WoW I uses the WoW wiki frequently that is a wikia wiki despite the URL. I dont find the ads paticuarly invasive - its a well set up wiki for the most part.

It used to look much nicer when it was starting out, imo. Once they got big, the Wikia folks swooped down and sunk their claws into it.

I will hav to take your word for that - oly just started playing so only just started using it. Its a pretty useful guide I have to say.
It looks like Wikia "helpers" have adopted the Wikipedia attitude that no criticism of Wikia shall be tolerated, even from long-standing trusted contributors.

I feel bad for Jimbo, Gil, Angela, and Michael. They are never going to be able to recoup the $14 million they've bilked their investors of. Not without ridiculous intrusive ads that alienate their production community.

Milton Roe
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sun 3rd August 2008, 7:02am) *

It looks like Wikia "helpers" have adopted the Wikipedia attitude that no criticism of Wikia shall be tolerated, even from long-standing trusted contributors.

I feel bad for Jimbo, Gil, Angela, and Michael. They are never going to be able to recoup the $14 million they've bilked their investors of. Not without ridiculous intrusive ads that alienate their production community.

Oh, they'll put the ads in. Eventually.

Look, Jimbo is waiting for his divorce to finalize, perhaps is still in the beginning stages of something that is going to fry his nuts for years, and who knows how long it will last (in my own thankfully secondhand experience, it usually lasts till one or the other party runs out of money). Remember my maxim about certain people finding bunnies the way others find Easter Eggs? Well, Jimbo's one of those. I don't know anything about his soon-to-be ex, but if history is any guide, I would imagine she's was bunny-in-the-past, and is a bunny-boiler-in-the-present. She's pissed off (perhaps rightously), and she has kids to raise.

Now, what's Jimbo worth, financially? Tricky question, nu? But the kind of thing that needs settling, in a divorce. Jimbo's lawyers will be making offers based on the idea that this Times Mag 100 most famous person is actually a veritable pauper, with his main project owned by a non-profit Foundation which is mean to him as regards expenses, and his for-profit venture's losing money like crazy. So, this guy barely has the T-shirt on his back, and sometimes not even that. smile.gif

On the opposite side of Family Law Court, the Ex's lawyers will argue that Jimbo is sitting on a gold mine, a GOLD MINE, all developed while he had the loving support of his loving helpmate, and that he's completely underselling the whole thing, just so he can get out of anything but basic childsupport plus a minimum of alimony.

Now, under the circumstances, if you were Jimbo facing all that, would YOU be spending all your time turning Wikia into something that looks like it might be the next Google? cool.gif Probably not. Angela might be working away at it, but I don't think she can expect much help from Jimmy for some time.
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sun 3rd August 2008, 8:02am) *

It looks like Wikia "helpers" have adopted the Wikipedia attitude that no criticism of Wikia shall be tolerated, even from long-standing trusted contributors.

I feel bad for Jimbo, Gil, Angela, and Michael. They are never going to be able to recoup the $14 million they've bilked their investors of. Not without ridiculous intrusive ads that alienate their production community.

I wouldn't sweat it. The money they've received is chump change to their investors.

Remember that Amazon took years to turn a profit. And using that metric, Wikia is the new
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Sun 3rd August 2008, 6:07pm) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Sun 3rd August 2008, 7:02am) *

It looks like Wikia "helpers" have adopted the Wikipedia attitude that no criticism of Wikia shall be tolerated, even from long-standing trusted contributors.

I feel bad for Jimbo, Gil, Angela, and Michael. They are never going to be able to recoup the $14 million they've bilked their investors of. Not without ridiculous intrusive ads that alienate their production community.

Oh, they'll put the ads in. Eventually.

They have - that's the point. I was looking at one of these discussions and there was an ad in the middle of the content, right under a section header.
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