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WR Editorials

In case you haven’t been keeping track, The Wikipedia Review blog was deleted on June 3rd after it was targeted by a nasty SQL-injection attack, apparently emanating from China (though there’s no way to know for sure, of course - this is the internet, after all). The attack took advantage of a security vulnerability here [...]
QUOTE(WR Editorials @ Sun 3rd August 2008, 3:29pm) *

In case you haven’t been keeping track, The Wikipedia Review blog was deleted on June 3rd after it was targeted by a nasty SQL-injection attack, apparently emanating from China (though there’s no way to know for sure, of course - this is the internet, after all). The attack took advantage of a security vulnerability here [...]

Woo hoo ! ! !
Previously, the URL went to the same page as

Since there are historic links out there that use the first URL, could you vector that to the correct place so that it still works.
QUOTE(Moulton @ Sun 3rd August 2008, 7:20pm) *

Previously, the URL went to the same page as

Thanks for the reminder, M! I'd forgotten about that...

Anyway, should work now.
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