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Full Version: Hot Russian Chick sez "WP is Shit" on Youtube
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This video spawned this discussion on ANI.
Colbert or Stewart should hire her!
Sir Floyd
QUOTE(Dzonatas @ Mon 4th August 2008, 11:44pm) *

Colbert or Stewart should hire her!

I Reckon!
That's Marina Orlova, aka HotForWords. One of the most famous YouTube denizens.

As usual, that guy on AN did not bother to do research before complaining. I wonder if he was trying to canvass for some d00dz to help him harass Orlova, for daring to criticize Wikipedia. (Plus, I don't think I've ever before seen so many damned userboxes on a single page.)
Peter Damian
Extraordinary. "This user has a sense of humour and shows it through the use of userboxes."

That user is a wanker.
It was resolved as "No admin action necessary". Just what admin action did anybody think might be necessary in such a case? Declaring YouTube to be a BADSITE?

Now playing: Jason Scott - The Great Failure of Wikipedia
via FoxyTunes
Milton Roe
QUOTE(dtobias @ Mon 31st May 2010, 8:15am) *

It was resolved as "No admin action necessary". Just what admin action did anybody think might be necessary in such a case? Declaring YouTube to be a BADSITE?

WP does seem to have a tremendous sense of its power in the real world. "No, we've decided not to nuke them from orbit, THIS time..."

Every drop of power in meatspace is important to them. You can see why they cannot, absolutely cannot let go of BLP. If they did, their influence would drop greatly. BLP for them is like J. Edgar Hoover's secret files on congress-people and others. That info, and the decision of whether to use it or not, kept the old bastard in office for life. WP knows it has a similar thing.

The Russian Orlova Chick video is worth seeing. So people subscribe to her videos, eh? Sort of like the famous Britney Spears Explains Plasma Physics text series. (Which did exist, but was unauthorized).
QUOTE(eric @ Mon 31st May 2010, 8:06pm) *
Again, here is the video, About Wikipedia, becuase at the end she asks the viewers to see if Wikipedia is a good source. Turns out she isn't all brians after ... eric (mailbox) 01:12, 3 August 2008 (UTC)

Either Eric has one hand on his tool after watching Marina Orlova's videos ... or he ain't got no brians [sic] either.

What do we reckon? Another 13 year old Wikipedian who has not even checked out she has her own Wikipedia page either ... !?!

Marina, on the other hand, has two degrees in philology and taught English and World Literature ... She came to the United States six years ago to improve her English skills and prepare for her Ph.D. but she ended up staying in the U.S. simply because of the warmer weather (... which apparently meant she could take more clothes off and pump up her boobs).

3 years ago, Marina burst onto the YouTube scene. Her initial goal was to reach more people with her language knowledge. Instead of a classroom of 20 back in Russia, she now has a virtual class of 336,784 YouTube subscribers.

Marina has received 317,705,807 Total Video Views on YouTube

I can only hope that her videos and books moves into some of the hard core stuff ... like semiotics, memetics and structural realism.
I'm waiting for her to do a segment on agnosimnesia.
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Mon 31st May 2010, 4:06pm) *

BLP for them is like J. Edgar Hoover's secret files on congress-people and others.

Aren't publicly-viewable articles kind of the opposite of secret files?
Milton Roe
QUOTE(dtobias @ Mon 31st May 2010, 7:17pm) *

QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Mon 31st May 2010, 4:06pm) *

BLP for them is like J. Edgar Hoover's secret files on congress-people and others.

Aren't publicly-viewable articles kind of the opposite of secret files?

No, because they are coat-racks for who-knows-what is coming up any minute now. The idea is to keep you in suspense, checking your BLP every day to see if somebody has mined your facebook profile and posted your secret needs and wants and interests up there. Of course, if you're "twitterpated" (Thank you for that word, Bambi), you probably don't care, and are already broadcasting to the world that you had a baloney and velveeta sandwich on Wonderbread for lunch. (Yes, the Naked American). And can't imagine why the world wouldn't be interested.

Otherwise, you find your sex chats on the internet posted someplace, along with the fact that you've now moved to a Florida trailerpark, and you can't fathom why anybody is interested in THAT. But they're interested because you make it possible for other people to be interested in their neighbor's private business. Which is why we love you. wub.gif I mean, generically. You internet construction people who are doing it for the Child in Africa. Mwah! confused.gif yecch.gif
QUOTE(Cock-up-over-conspiracy @ Tue 1st June 2010, 2:04am) *

Marina, on the other hand, has two degrees in philology and taught English and World Literature ... She came to the United States six years ago to improve her English skills and prepare for her Ph.D. but she ended up staying in the U.S. simply because of the warmer weather (... which apparently meant she could take more clothes off and pump up her boobs).
there's been some debate about marina's wikipedia page for awhile, because some (most?) of her backstory is probably not legit. most of what I saw was some eastern european celeb TV show expose. there are also videos of her doing commercials for 1-900 sex phone lines and such that were dug up on youtube.

By all means, let's get this important educational material out to that little girl in Africa.

Perhaps she, too, can break out of a simple life into the celebrity world of YouTube.

After all, we need more people helping us learn semiotics.
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