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•Wikipedia founder aims to break Google stranglehold, Canada -3 hours ago
Watch out Google -- Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales hopes that Wikia Search, a project he spearheads, will break Google's domination as the world's most ...

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QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Thu 14th August 2008, 9:45pm) *

Watch out Google -- Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales hopes that Wikia Search, a project he spearheads, will break Google's domination as the world's most ...
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Jimbo demonstrating he emptiness of his approach 'With Wikia Search, users "can participate in meaningful ways" when they browse the Internet, he said.'

Now call me an old cynic, but if by chance Wikia Search did turn out to have some neat trick up its sleeve, how long would it take Google and a few gazillion dollars of its spare cash to adopt, adapt and improve on it?

Another minor gem of lack of insight: "Do we really want all of our traffic, all of our editorial control of the Internet all being piped through one, two or three companies?" Perhaps not, but at least Google has the semblance of attempting to be an ethical organisation. Put another way, who wants the editorial control of Wikipedia (or worse - Wikia) interfering with our searches?
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