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•I'm not selling Wikipedia
Straits Times, Singapore -20 minutes ago
By Michelle Tay ANY deep-pocketed new media mogul looking to add online encyclopaedia Wikipedia to its trophy belt can forget it - founder Jimmy Wales is ...

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QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Thu 14th August 2008, 11:45pm) *

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•I'm not selling Wikipedia
Straits Times, Singapore -20 minutes ago
By Michelle Tay ANY deep-pocketed new media mogul looking to add online encyclopaedia Wikipedia to its trophy belt can forget it - founder Jimmy Wales is ...

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Phew! Now I've got my breath back, lets see how many incredible things Jimbo has said in there.

For starters:


We think of ourselves as a charity

Erm, only think?

In 2004, he started a for-profit company called Wikia, a community and search engine for wikis. He said that company is valued at US$70 million.
Is that an $70m asset or liability?


He may concede that 'doing good quality reference work is really, really hard', but he is close to his ideal.


'In reality, I think it's best to have an open, democratic process,' he said.

"Wikipedia is not a democracy." Jimmy Wales.

Can you spot any others?
How 'bout the writer too?

Wikipedia's numbers tell the story: It boasts 263 million users, or roughly 31 per cent of the Internet population; has 253 different language versions; and is one of the most trafficked websites online.

The British scientific journal Nature found that each Britannica article has an average of three errors while each Wikipedia article averages four.
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