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Full Version: Who would you make a film about?
> Media Forums > News Worth Discussing
...Peter Bradshaw, film critic, the Guardian:
I'd make a surrealist fantasy thriller about Wikipedia. Jimmy Wales is said to employ only about half a dozen people as moderators. (Their job is mostly to remove the words "war criminal" added to George W Bush's entry - which happens thousands of times a day.) The movie would show a moderator being fired and getting revenge by creating fake entries for imaginary people, places, rivers, planets, etc, because Wikipedia is famously alert for mischievous people tampering with real items, but reportedly incurious about entirely fake oddities. Gradually an entire Borgesian bogus wiki-universe is created. Then the imaginary things start turning up in the real world. I'd like Terry Gilliam as director.

(link to full article)
That would make an awesome movie. biggrin.gif
Sherman, set the wayback machine for this thread.
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