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•Sexually graphic images on Wikipedia stir debates
Computerworld Australia, Australia -42 minutes ago
The collaborative encyclopaedia project is drawing the ire of childrens' groups and its own more conservative users over policies which allow sexually ...

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the fieryangel
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Wed 10th September 2008, 6:22am) *

•Sexually graphic images on Wikipedia stir debates
Computerworld Australia, Australia -42 minutes ago
The collaborative encyclopaedia project is drawing the ire of childrens' groups and its own more conservative users over policies which allow sexually ...

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Here we go again...When are they ever going to get the idea that it might be a good idea to have content filters???

(Maybe the articles about "Elbow bondage" etc can be safely nuked now, too??)
QUOTE(the fieryangel @ Wed 10th September 2008, 2:24pm) *

(Maybe the articles about "Elbow bondage" etc can be safely nuked now, too??)

"Elbow bondage" was deleted about a week ago, coincidentally smile.gif As was 'hair bondage'
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Wed 10th September 2008, 12:22am) *

•Sexually graphic images on Wikipedia stir debates
Computerworld Australia, Australia -42 minutes ago
The collaborative encyclopaedia project is drawing the ire of childrens' groups and its own more conservative users over policies which allow sexually ...

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Nice modest yeoman's article. This is the kind of thing that will eventually percolate up into public awareness and produce demands that people outside the Wikipedia community, in this case parents and related advocacy groups, ought to have some say in shaping WP editorial policy.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(wikiwhistle @ Wed 10th September 2008, 6:41am) *

QUOTE(the fieryangel @ Wed 10th September 2008, 2:24pm) *

(Maybe the articles about "Elbow bondage" etc can be safely nuked now, too??)

"Elbow bondage" was deleted about a week ago, coincidentally smile.gif As was 'hair bondage'

Well, thankfully we won't have to give up car and airplane-bondage. The latter one is especially interesing, as an attractive person with full Federal authority commands you on how you must insert that flat metal tip into the buckle, and adjust the strap low across your lap. Then there are some things about wearing vests which can be inflated with a mouth tube (think the film Airplane), and finally, there's a special mask that might drop down, that you can put over your face....

The page on 'hardcore pornography', for instance, includes two stills from behind the scenes at a pornographic movie set, including one featuring explicit sex.

Oh, but that's just one of the three thousand free images that person uploaded for the Good of All Mankind™! Just out of the goodness of his heart! How can anyone look askance on something like that? Why, the very idea!
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