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•More on wikipedia abuse
ZDNet -41 minutes ago
In the wake of the SEC’s crackdown, the mainstream financial press has acknowledged that widespread and deliberate naked shorting can artificially deflate ...

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the fieryangel
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Sat 4th October 2008, 7:59am) *

•More on wikipedia abuse
ZDNet -41 minutes ago
In the wake of the SEC’s crackdown, the mainstream financial press has acknowledged that widespread and deliberate naked shorting can artificially deflate ...

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This article, which quotes the Reg article, opens up the subject to the wider issues here :

In effect, the technical problem is that these networks combine extremely powerful manipulative tools with very weak controls, and the social problem is that people may be too busy, too uneducated, or too emotionally committed to fairly evaluate the information these sites provide.

Our recent study on the articles of US senators only underlines this problem. It's not naked short-selling, it's knowledge in general and what these sorts of sites do to distort our objective reality.
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Sat 4th October 2008, 3:59am) *

It's morons that abuse Wikipedia?
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(dtobias @ Sat 4th October 2008, 8:25am) *

QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Sat 4th October 2008, 3:59am) *

It's morons that abuse Wikipedia?

Moron Wikipedia?

Cf. Tautology

Jon cool.gif
Say what you like about Gary Weiss, but he was and is no moron. He managed to alter reality and keep it distorted for quite some time - which takes brains, lots of them.

I admit he had help, but he knew how to gain friends and influence key people. You could him the Karl Rove of financial manipulation, except Karl Rove wasn't as evil.
Karl Rove isn't evil, anyways. Just good at his job for the most part.
QUOTE(Crestatus @ Sun 12th October 2008, 11:48am) *
Karl Rove isn't evil, anyways. Just good at his job for the most part.

Rove is living proof that the two are not mutually exclusive.
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