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Peter Damian
Couldn't find any reference to it below - did anyone see the ghastly Jimbo on Stephen Fry's series about the US on BBC1 (national British TV) last night? There is already a sycophantic reference to it on Wales's page

On 12 October 2008, Wales was interviewed by Stephen Fry on "Stephen Fry in America", and gave a brief overview of Wikipedia, saying that it was "something that can be really special ... we want to be good ... this is the early days of the Internet, and maybe in 500 years time, people will look back and say ”that was good“".[89]

It was all that kind of thing, including the bit about how the Internet used to be all pop-up ads, until Wiki came along.
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Mon 13th October 2008, 8:45am) *

Couldn't find any reference to it below - did anyone see the ghastly Jimbo on Stephen Fry's series about the US on BBC1 (national British TV) last night? There is already a sycophantic reference to it on Wales's page

On 12 October 2008, Wales was interviewed by Stephen Fry on "Stephen Fry in America", and gave a brief overview of Wikipedia, saying that it was "something that can be really special ... we want to be good ... this is the early days of the Internet, and maybe in 500 years time, people will look back and say ”that was good“".[89]

It was all that kind of thing, including the bit about how the Internet used to be all pop-up ads, until Wiki came along.

Yes, on a taped interview he still came across looking really uncomfortable and shifty. He said very little aside from how they were "very responsive to criticism".

He was nearly right: Wikipedia is a project that people should be proud of - it's a bit of a shame that it isn't.
Peter Damian
QUOTE(dogbiscuit @ Mon 13th October 2008, 8:51am) *

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Mon 13th October 2008, 8:45am) *

Couldn't find any reference to it below - did anyone see the ghastly Jimbo on Stephen Fry's series about the US on BBC1 (national British TV) last night? There is already a sycophantic reference to it on Wales's page

On 12 October 2008, Wales was interviewed by Stephen Fry on "Stephen Fry in America", and gave a brief overview of Wikipedia, saying that it was "something that can be really special ... we want to be good ... this is the early days of the Internet, and maybe in 500 years time, people will look back and say ”that was good“".[89]

It was all that kind of thing, including the bit about how the Internet used to be all pop-up ads, until Wiki came along.

Yes, on a taped interview he still came across looking really uncomfortable and shifty. He said very little aside from how they were "very responsive to criticism".

He was nearly right: Wikipedia is a project that people should be proud of - it's a bit of a shame that it isn't.

I hadn't seen him before. I had expected him to come across very forceful and charasmatic with a loud booming voice like ex-pit traders have. Instead, as you say, he came across as creepy and defensive.
Count DeMonet
BBC iPlayer link to the show (for those who can use it).
The Sole Co-founder bit is around 50 mins in. Blink & you'll miss it.
QUOTE(Count DeMonet @ Tue 14th October 2008, 3:08pm) *

BBC iPlayer link to the show (for those who can use it).
The Sole Co-founder bit is around 50 mins in. Blink & you'll miss it.

And for those unloved by the Beeb, here's the relevant segment on Youtube.
Peter Damian


[Delaware] feels more European, a product of the Enlightenment, fit to stand alongside Berlin, St Petersburg, Paris. I'm meeting up with the newest purveyor of the Enlightenment, a modern-day Diderot, Jimmay Wales, who was the founder of the most compendious encyclopedia ever, Wikipedia.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Tue 14th October 2008, 11:03am) *



[Delaware] feels more European, a product of the Enlightenment, fit to stand alongside Berlin, St Petersburg, Paris. I'm meeting up with the newest purveyor of the Enlightenment, a modern-day Diderot, Jimmay Wales, who was the founder of the most compendious encyclopedia ever, Wikipedia.

This guy doesn't know Diderot from escargot. If he did, he'd realize that the line about people not being free until the last king is strangled in the entrails of the last priest, applies to Wikipedia about as well as anyplace.
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