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•Should Our Legal System Use Wikipedia as a Source?
Web Trends, New York -8 minutes ago
In doing my daily round of reading up on any news related to Web 2.0, I came across an interesting article in the Yale Daily News about a Connecticut ...

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Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Tue 14th October 2008, 2:25pm) *

Well, of course —

How else are we going to get some ®eal™ Lawsuits going?

Jon cool.gif
Guy should cite Cass Sunstein and the New York Times. As for the headline, it's a manifestly stupid question. Thankfully the pace of citations have slowed dramatically since the Times article.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(One @ Tue 14th October 2008, 12:13pm) *

Guy should cite Cass Sunstein and the New York Times. As for the headline, it's a manifestly stupid question. Thankfully the pace of citations have slowed dramatically since the Times article.

The headline is one of those headlines which is deliberately SO infuriating that you know you've been trolled.

It's sort of like my favorite Troll op-ed piece: Why Do Men's Restrooms have Baby Changing Stations?? (Makes no sense, as women never go in there...).
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