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•New York Poster Takes Ish with Wikipedia
Jossip, NY -48 minutes ago
I told him my own personal listed information is factually incorrect and I can substantiate its inaccuracies with legal documentation. ...

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QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Wed 22nd October 2008, 5:51pm) *

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•New York Poster Takes Ish with Wikipedia
Jossip, NY -48 minutes ago
I told him my own personal listed information is factually incorrect and I can substantiate its inaccuracies with legal documentation. ...

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At 83, I suspect she's a little old for Jimbo, but one never knows...

The original piece has amusing quotes from Jimbo: Things Are Sticky At Icky Wiki.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(carbuncle @ Wed 22nd October 2008, 11:51am) *

QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Wed 22nd October 2008, 5:51pm) *

<img src= width=52 height=80 alt="" border=1>
•New York Poster Takes Ish with Wikipedia
Jossip, NY -48 minutes ago
I told him my own personal listed information is factually incorrect and I can substantiate its inaccuracies with legal documentation. ...

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At 83, I suspect she's a little old for Jimbo, but one never knows...

Have a look at linked article,

This is the one in which Media gossip-disher Julia Allison personally petitions Jimbo to take down a photo of her which apparently doesn't show enough cleavage. She asks "as a human being". Which would be a good line if it weren't for the fact that A) Jimbo shows no signs of responding to this sort of plea, unless "human being" is a code word for "sex toy", and cool.gif Jimbo's encyclopedia shows no signs of humanity. Oh, yeah, and 3) also from the fact that Julia Allison herself makes money from the vicissitudes of the rich and famous, such as the Heath Ledger overdose. So, another narcissist, whose main complaint is not that their privacy is being invaded, but that their headshot promo photo doesn't look good. This makes the puppy sad. sad.gif
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