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•Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales expects internet downturn but no ..., United Kingdom -16 minutes ago
Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, expects internet and technology companies will suffer a "serious downturn" that could leave some major household name ...

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More historical revisionism (boldface mine):

But last week he was forced to cut 10pc of staff at Wikia, a for-profit open source search engine he set up in 2004 to try and counter Google's dominance of the search market. He said the redundancies were "definitely a response to the crisis in the up coming advertising market..."

Sheez Louise! My guess would be Jimbo cleverly duped the reporter into thinking that was Wikia's focus all along, and the reporter just never bothered to fact-check.
Unrepentant Vandal
Nah... Somey having known a few reporters my guess would be reporter goes to pub after interview, hands intern scribbled notes of interview, intern writes article and inserts stuff about Wikia after a quick google.

Note to Brit ex-pats (and sometimes I get the impression you spent some time in England yourself): The Telegraph has really gone downhill lately. It is now almost as bad as the Daily Mail or Express.
So Jimbo is an expert on the economy and the internet now, too?

“We”ve been through somewhat of a boom but it has not been anything like the dotcom boom. A lot of start-ups out there are not yet profitable, but at least they have an idea of a business model and are mostly doing things that will work. But a lot of them will still fail.”

Just so... insightful.
Peter Damian
QUOTE(Unrepentant Vandal @ Thu 30th October 2008, 5:52pm) *

Nah... Somey having known a few reporters my guess would be reporter goes to pub after interview, hands intern scribbled notes of interview, intern writes article and inserts stuff about Wikia after a quick google.

Note to Brit ex-pats (and sometimes I get the impression you spent some time in England yourself): The Telegraph has really gone downhill lately. It is now almost as bad as the Daily Mail or Express.

What's wrong with the Daily Mail? Almost as much trivia as this site.
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