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•Wikipedia founder Wales makes global impact, FL -43 minutes ago
By Robert Trigaux, Times Business Columnist It was only a few years ago that locally ignored Jimmy Wales worked in a windowless office suite near the ...

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Milton Roe
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Mon 3rd November 2008, 8:13pm) *

•Wikipedia founder Wales makes global impact, FL -43 minutes ago
By Robert Trigaux, Times Business Columnist It was only a few years ago that locally ignored Jimmy Wales worked in a windowless office suite near the ...

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QUOTE(St. Petersberg (FL) Times)

In another London interview, Wales warns that a person's growing "digital footprint" — the ability to be identified by use of the Internet or cell phone, for example — could become a liability.

"That's something most people don't think much about because, frankly, no one cares what most people are doing," he said. But as computing power increases, "we need to really think about what are the political controls we need in place to prevent governments from abusing that kind of information."

Bravo. Meet the geek gaining some political perspective.

Gag me. tongue.gif Controls to prevent governments from abusing the information?? How about controls to prevent teenagers and sociopaths from abusing the information, all empowered by Wales' amoral website, and its amazing collection of descending-sized BLPs?

The complete cluelessness of Wales continues to astound. The complete cluelessness of the St. Petersberg Times in actually praising Wales for coming to the conclusion the internet privacy is an issue for modern times, is only slightly more understandable.

At least you can defend the Times noob as being a guy who only had a day to write the column, and probably less time to gather info, and think about it.

But how many years and how many viewpoints have bounced off Jimbo's neutronium skull, before finally causing him to publicly suggest a problem of privacy? Due to lack of rules controlling the government? wacko.gif
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