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•Wikipedia founder still waiting for real online collaboration, Australia -28 minutes ago
The co-founder of online collaborative encyclopedia Wikipedia says the internet is only in its infancy, and greater collaborative media projects are still ...

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Milton Roe
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Tue 4th November 2008, 5:14pm) *

•Wikipedia founder still waiting for real online collaboration, Australia -28 minutes ago
The co-founder of online collaborative encyclopedia Wikipedia says the internet is only in its infancy, and greater collaborative media projects are still ...

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QUOTE(Article on Jimmy Wales)

The co-founder of online collaborative encyclopedia Wikipedia says the internet is only in its infancy, and greater collaborative media projects are still to come.

Jimmy Wales said at an awards ceremony in London: "We're really just at the beginning, still, of collaborative efforts.

Gee, he should check out Google Docs, maybe.

A thought for Jimbo: "Collaboration" on projects is not easy when you have no idea who the faceless anonymous entity across the internet table from you, is. You don't have their CV (they probably don't have one, nor even know what one is), but you can tell from their writing that they have no clue as to what they're talking about, yet are passionately defensive of their point of view, anyway. Plus, they have more time than you do, probably due to being uneducated, unemployed, and unemployable.
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