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•Wikipedia gets a bad rap
Western Courier (subscription), IL -17 hours ago
In January of 2001, Wikipedia, "the free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit," was born. Initially composed of only a few hundred articles and a fairly ...

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QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Tue 18th November 2008, 10:43am) *

•Wikipedia gets a bad rap
Western Courier (subscription), IL -17 hours ago
In January of 2001, Wikipedia, "the free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit," was born. Initially composed of only a few hundred articles and a fairly ...

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This article is garbage. Greg Kohs is already on it in the comments section.

How many falsehoods can you spot? Here is one:

QUOTE(garbage article)
In addition, Wikipedia has several authentication procedures designed to ensure that article content is as accurate as possible.
QUOTE(Kato @ Tue 18th November 2008, 6:32am) *

How many falsehoods can you spot? Here is one:

QUOTE(garbage article)
In addition, Wikipedia has several authentication procedures designed to ensure that article content is as accurate as possible.

Why is that a falsehood? Even if articles do in fact contain inaccuracies, that doesn't disprove that there are procedures designed to ensure accuracy; just because they were designed that way doesn't mean that they necessarily work.
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