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The glory days of PC Magazine were under the editorship of Bill Machrone. I thought then — and I still think now — that Bill Machrone was one of the true geniuses of magazine publishing. He was able to make that magazine target a sweet spot of comprehensiveness and integrity. Bill Machrone's PC Magazine was required reading. That Bill doesn't even have a Wikipedia article is a gross injustice and characteristic of the short memories of this industry.

He has a point, though if I were Machrone, I wouldn't want one anyway.....
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Thu 20th November 2008, 12:06pm) *
He has a point, though if I were Machrone, I wouldn't want one anyway.....

But that's just it, isn't it? Machrone was a low-key guy to begin with, and just about everybody likes him, so they leave him alone out of respect.

Ironically enough, I first heard about Wikipedia via PC Magazine, not long after the site initially appeared. They didn't seem to think it was a particularly bad idea at the time, though of course I did.
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