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•Rentokil creates ‘Wikipedia for pest control’
Netimperative, UK -1 hour ago
The new site aims to become the main point of reference for anyone trying to find out about pests in the UK, and covers over 200 different types of insects, ...

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Like I've said before, the "Wikipedia" trademark seems to be in danger due to the widespread use of the name as if it were a generic term for "online information resources, particularly ones created in a mass-collaborative manner", in phrases like "The Wikipedia of [pest control | comic books | baseball | trainspotting | imported beers | ...]". Before long, people using these phrases will start lowercasing "wikipedia", and it will eventually be vulnerable to being declared a generic word by some court somewhere, as happened in the past with aspirin, escalator, and zipper, which were formerly trademarks. That's why Google gets peeved when people talk about "googling" something.
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