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•Wikipedia Hopes To Make Editing User-Friendly
CBS 11, TX -59 minutes ago
NEW YORK (AP) ― Concerned that many would-be contributors to Wikipedia are being scared away, the foundation that runs the Internet encyclopedia is getting ...

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Is there any way for the RSS feed to filter out duplicates of the same story?
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Heat @ Thu 4th December 2008, 9:14am) *

Is there any way for the RSS feed to filter out duplicates of the same story?

Apparently not. Being reminded again and again and again that WP just scored $890,000 to figure out ways to make itself not suck, and is going to spending it finding easier edit user-interfaces, is WR's special hell.

I would like a drop-down menu for inserting helpful text in TALK-space and edit summaries, though. "See WP:WIKISPEAK" has been mentioned. Also "I'm blocking you indefinitely. Please go with love" would be helpful (but disabled for IP-blocking, of course). As also "You are becoming unWP:CIVIL," for those losing reasoned arguments.

And just to complete things, LaraLove's "Where's my RfC for saying FUCK?" should be enshrined, and repeated as often as possible.
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Thu 4th December 2008, 12:54pm) *

QUOTE(Heat @ Thu 4th December 2008, 9:14am) *

Is there any way for the RSS feed to filter out duplicates of the same story?

Apparently not.

We have a very good volunteer, Cobalt, who has taken on the task manually. I hope he drops by soon.

•Wikipedia to make editing easier, UK -21 minutes ago
Wikipedia is to make changes to the site's editing process, in order to try and entice more users to get involved. The online encyclopedia is apparently ...

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Son of a Yeti
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The Wales Hunter
Here you go:


Wikipedia is to make changes to the site's editing process, in order to try and entice more users to get involved.

The online encyclopedia is apparently concerned that many would-be contributors are being scared away by the HTML coding that is presented to them when they click the "edit" button.

The foundation that runs Wikipedia is getting an $890,000 grant from the Stanton Foundation to try to make the editing process more user-friendly.

"Wikipedia attracts writers who have a moderate-to-high level of technical understanding, but it excludes lots of smart, knowledgeable people who are less tech-centric", said Sue Gardner, the Wikimedia Foundation's executive director.
QUOTE(Son of a Yeti @ Fri 5th December 2008, 8:48am) *

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Why would they bother to do this?
QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Fri 5th December 2008, 2:02pm) *

Why would they bother to do this?

I would guess it's because advertisers are paying for Brits, and therefore slashdotting would not help their bottom line. By the time the story ages, the risk of viral linking has disappeared, so they won't risk spending server capacity on it.
Son of a Yeti
QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Fri 5th December 2008, 7:02am) *

Why would they bother to do this?

No idea. Total cluelessness?

It's the same even on their main page and with no reference info.
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