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Full Version: Cade Metz reports the Brit IP / Child porn scandal
> Media Forums > News Worth Discussing
Just a plug for Cade Metz's brief report on the Brit IP / Child porn scandal.

And for anyone who missed it the other day, there is a link on the right to where Cade Metz has a recorded interview with CEO Patrick Byrne. They touch upon the Mantanmoreland scandal - which was the debacle where a journalist used multiple identities to smear Byrne's campaign against the now discredited stock market practice of Naked Short Selling, and was protected for some time by leading Wikipedos including Jimbo and David Gerard.
QUOTE(Kato @ Sun 7th December 2008, 10:00pm) *

Just a plug for Cade Metz's brief report on the Brit IP / Child porn scandal.

And for anyone who missed it the other day, there is a link on the right to where Cade Metz has a recorded interview with CEO Patrick Byrne. They touch upon the Mantanmoreland scandal - which was the debacle where a journalist used multiple identities to smear Byrne's campaign against the now discredited stock market practice of Naked Short Selling, and was protected for some time by leading Wikipedos including Jimbo and David Gerard.

just listened to Metz's interview with Byrne. Well done, with a healthy level of skepticism as should be the case in any proper journalist interview. Not atagonistic, not fawning, etc. Not easy for Byrne to show all of the FTD/FOIA/etc hard trading evidence in a podcast ( has some damning data on many high profile cases on its front page now).

Metz's got a job to do in entertaining as well as informing, so his sensationalistic headlines and skepticism of all "sides" are to be expected. He's a perfect counterpart to Byrne, who also is forced to "soundbite" very complex, eyeglazing issues into more sensational verbage to get folks to look into the hard data.

Be interesting to see how El Reg and its WP coverage proceeds on this. Is Metz aware of the Shankbone situation?

Meanwhile, it's still OK on WP for Shankbone photos of pornstars fluffing themselves, and full-high-def graphic photos of one man buttsurfing another from various angles, in what would definitely look to a child reading WP to be a very unneccessary, violent, non-encyclopedic act, lol. Carry on, nothing to see on WP but all sorts of skanky porn.

Now if only the Scorpions' cringe-ballad "Still Loving You" could be blocked, banned, contained into a two dimensional pane of glass, and rocketed off to the Forbidden Zone, the world would be a better place.
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