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•Religious affiliation wiped out by Canadian Wikipedia enthusiasts
Kanadai Magyar Hírlap, Canada -56 minutes ago
Canadian Prime Minister MacKenzie King's crystal ball. King was a spiritualist, participating in seances and table rapping with his close friends. ...

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Son of a Yeti

An online discussion on the importance of the denominational affiliations of our politicians, or even a Wikipedia article on this matter, could serve as a positive experience for all, as it would enrich our body of public knowledge. But relegating information deemed unimportant by a select few to the rubbish heaps of cyberspace serves absolutely no one

I believe it's time we deleted info on religious affiliation of Dalai Lama and the Pope.
Eva Destruction
Am I reading this right? They're complaining not because of any BLP violation or content change, but because someone removed the "religion" box from the infobox template? If that's really the worst problem Wikipedia has, WR may as well pack up and go home.
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