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Full Version: WP's new donation plea stirs skepticism
> Media Forums > News Worth Discussing
This is quite interesting

...quotes Danny Wool
QUOTE(Kato @ Tue 30th December 2008, 4:47pm) *

This is quite interesting

...quotes Danny Wool

Wikipedia is not "bloated" as Wool claims. It is just beginning to reach the scale needed to do a minimally responsible job. Wikipedia's problem is that is utter lacks proper priorities. Resources should be directed toward content issues, reliability, BLP, dispute resolution, child protection and non-immunity based risk management. Instead it is directed toward public relations, gratuitous corporate perks and and self-styled trophy CEOism.

If Wikipedia would again double it's budget and management acted with modesty and decorum befitting a non-profit it could put a serious dent into these concerns. Wikipedia is only "bloated" from the perspective of the former "grant manager" who failed to generate any grants whatsoever.
That site (Ars Technica) always makes me think it's about a technical arse. (Ass to us Americans.)

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This is directly related--
yet another blogger wondering why WP doesn't run ads.

Wikipedia Almost Reaches $6 Million Target

Note: one of the first commenters is none other than David Gerard.
That guy does get around. He should work for Microsoft. laugh.gif
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