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•Lessons Learned, Sparking Innovation – Jimmy Wales, Founder, Wikipedia
Times Online, UK -42 minutes ago
The history of Wikipedia can tell something about rule breaking having great impact. Before Wikipedia I had a project called Nupedia. ...

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Rules, Rule-Breaking, and Sudsy Drama

QUOTE(Jimmy Wales)
The history of Wikipedia can tell something about rule breaking having great impact.

I agree 110%.

QUOTE(Jimmy Wales)
We had a lot of ideas about what this project would look like, how we would create an encyclopaedia, and tried to a priori design the whole thing to match that preset idea. It turns out we were wrong about several things and right about a few things. The excessive a priori thinking led us to believe we had to proceed in a certain route, which we didn’t.

I couldn't fail to disagree less.

QUOTE(Jimmy Wales)
The lesson that I learned from that is, whenever possible, if you don’t have to make a decision today, then don’t. Wait. Leave things open-ended and try to pursue a path so that you can make that decision at a future juncture when you need to. This has a broad applicability in many contexts. If you a priori imagine everything and then you pursue it in a very rigid way, you can get off track before you can realize it and never get back.


QUOTE(Jimmy Wales)
  • Top-down models and old-fashioned processes can stifle innovation. In such cases, breaking the rules can have great impact.
  • Develop an open-ended model instead of a priori figuring out what you think the right path is. Solve problems as you encounter them.
  • If you don’t have to make a decision today, then don’t. Make those decisions in the future, when you need to.

The Rules

Rule #1: No Narcissistic Wounding.

Rule #2: No Narcissistic Wounding.

Rule #3: No Narcissistic Wounding.

Violators will be summarily stigmatized, reverted, humiliated, scapegoated, blocked, banned, baleeted, blacklisted and made to stand in the corner with a dunce cap and a scarlet letter.

Doubleplusungood, you'll get spanked, like a bad boy scout, on your a posteriori.


If you can't build a first-class encyclopedia with the resources at hand, build a juicy, first-class, brand spanking new drama engine instead.
No surprises here, which you can pretty much say of every address made from the God-King's throne. Certainly, his "we made this shit up as we went along" admission is no surprise; I called that one some time ago. Also unsurprising is the fact that Jimbo made a very common error of judgment right at the very beginning: he assumed because he followed a model for creating an encyclopedia that didn't appear to work well after two years, that the 180-degree polar opposite course was necessarily the way to go. It never even occurred to him that some third way between the two extremes might just be the answer. Typical.
Jimbo's Big Seafaring Adventure

Jimbo is saying that he's sailing his ship in the dark, in uncharted waters, with no planned course, no radar, no celestial navigation, no clue where the shoals are, and no idea where he's going to wind up when the fickle winds shift or stall out.

In short, he is without compass, without a functional model, and without insight, manifestly adrift on the high seas.
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