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•Wikipedia readies for print encyclopedia sales
Australian Personal Computer, Australia -32 minutes ago
Wikipedia is likely to start offering print books of its most popular articles, as the Wikimedia Foundation explores ways to diversify its funding and ...

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Anonymous editor
this is real? Incredible.

I don't know what to say, other than that I'm incredulous.
Why would anyone want to buy it if it's online for free, not worth buying anyway, and improved every second online?
QUOTE(Sylar @ Thu 22nd January 2009, 1:53pm) *

Why would anyone want to buy it if it's online for free, not worth buying anyway, and improved every second online?

Maybe it's your fault.
QUOTE(Random832 @ Thu 22nd January 2009, 2:25pm) *

QUOTE(Sylar @ Thu 22nd January 2009, 1:53pm) *

Why would anyone want to buy it if it's online for free, not worth buying anyway, and improved every second online?

Maybe it's your fault.

That doesn't explain anything, Jordan.
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