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Check out the accompanying questionnaire also:
I always thought I would be...

A theoretical scientist, but then I realized that I am a carpenter, not an architect. I prefer to build on thought, rather than just think.
Of course, that means "build on other people's thoughts". This is clear by his presenting himself as "founder". In the video he says censorship is a "moral abomination", meanwhile he attempts to write Larry out of the history of Wikipedia and hates his own biography because we won't whitewash it.

Oh, and...
I want to be remembered as...

Being friendly. I don't always succeed, because I am human, but I try to always reach out to the best in people, to try to see them in a positive light, and encourage us all to be the best we can be.
Curiously, I don't think that's what he's going to be remembered for. dry.gif Maybe some will remember him as the guy that said "Lie-berry" during a video interview in a library. biggrin.gif
Isn't this like winning a fashion design award sponsored by Family Dollar Stores? I guess it's not that surprising, though. If Jimbo could fool Time Magazine and the Berkman Center with his snake oil pitch, USA must have been a piece of cake.


"It's good for what ails ye"
USA is the network that carries one of my favorite shows, Monk... I'm a lot like that show's lead (obsessive-compulsive) character.
Even better: USA has WWE Raw. biggrin.gif
QUOTE(dtobias @ Wed 28th January 2009, 1:38pm) *

USA is the network that carries one of my favorite shows, Monk... I'm a lot like that show's lead (obsessive-compulsive) character.

As far as I am concerned, Monk is the only redeeming feature of the USA Network. Tony Shalub has always had great comedic timing, and the series is fairly well written. Mostly though, USA's fare consists of recycled cop dramas from NBC-TV and feature films that have been sliced, diced and dubbed for your protection. And wrastlin', of course.
Mike H
I'm partial to Debra Messing in The Starter Wife myself.

In the video he says censorship is a "moral abomination", meanwhile he attempts to write Larry out of the history of Wikipedia and hates his own biography because we won't whitewash it.

He loves to talk, don't he? Sound and fury signifying nothing! I take everything back that I've said about Jimmy forgetting his Alabamian roots. "Moral abomination" is in the Alabama's Greatest Hits collection. Right next to "Love in the First Degree."
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