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•Twitter ye not - I adore Wikipedia, UK
Last week, a friend texted me to ask whether I thought the Twitter craze would last. For a moment, I was almost flattered into thinking I knew the answer. But then I realised that either he'd gone mad or was conducting a radical experiment in "blue sky ...

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An interesting one... somebody not really in the "techie geek" circles, who has dislike and distrust for a lot of Internet stuff, but who likes Wikipedia nevertheless.
QUOTE(dtobias @ Sun 22nd February 2009, 2:17am) *

An interesting one... somebody not really in the "techie geek" circles, who has dislike and distrust for a lot of Internet stuff, but who likes Wikipedia nevertheless.

David Mitchell is a comedian (albeit, a funny one). He's the new Stephen Fry, if that means anything to you.

Last week in the Guardian, a journalist tore WR member and WP critic Andrew Orlowski a new arse in an Op-Ed. The journo trashed Orlowski's paper the Register as well. Ostensibly because Orlowski criticises "Twitter".

I don't know anything about "Twitter" but it sounds odious.
QUOTE(Kato @ Sat 21st February 2009, 8:25pm) *
Last week in the Guardian, a journalist tore WR member and WP critic Andrew Orlowski a new arse in an Op-Ed. The journo trashed Orlowski's paper the Register as well. Ostensibly because Orlowski criticises "Twitter".
I don't know anything about "Twitter" but it sounds odious.

Hah. You're right. Twitter attracts the Paleolithic "webizen" in much the same way that
Boing Boing or Metafilter does. It's a shiny happy place, where bad things don't happen,
and it has all the Web 2.0 hype on earth behind it.

Sorta like Peter Pan's Neverland, with routers.

And if you think Paul Carr's attack on Orlowski was sad, read some of
Carr's other columns. For example.

Strange that a whiny little snark would be attacking another snark,
for daring to criticize Twitter. Or perhaps, par for the course in what we
laughingly call "the News Media". In a deep portentious voice, natch.
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