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•Battle for control of Ryan Coonerty's Wikipedia page persists
San Jose Mercury News, USA
By Genevieve Bookwalter - Sentinel staff writer SANTA CRUZ -- Young, highly educated and very popular with voters, or a politician who plies his trade by cashing in on resentment toward the homeless in Santa Cruz. If you get your information online, ...

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QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Wed 4th March 2009, 5:33pm) *

From the article:

It has gotten to the point where, "given it all, I would rather just not have a Wikipedia page," said Coonerty, who in 2007 became the youngest Santa Cruz mayor in 30 years. "It gets looked at a lot. I'll give a speech and people will print out my Wikipedia page."

What they often find, along with the kind words, are criticisms of Coonerty's stances and votes while serving on the City Council.

For example, one entry criticized a 2006, Coonerty-supported rule against loitering in parking lots, saying it "prohibited public assembly in acres of public space."

Wes Modes, a Santa Cruz activist and outspoken Coonerty critic, said he is responsible for many of the changes to Coonerty's Wikipedia page.

"I just have an interest in seeing the record accurately represent the repressive nature of Ryan's rule in this ostensibly progressive town," Modes said.

Another BLP becomes a playground for political enemies. One wikipediot has been doing some trimming in the last hour (presumably since reading about it here on WR's handy newsfeed) - but which one will take decisive action?
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