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•Turning to Wikipedia for Answers?
The Internet has been around for quite a while, but until the spread of web browsers in the 1990s, the collection of computers and networks was primarily used by the government and academia. The web browser brought the power of the Internet to ...

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Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Tue 10th March 2009, 9:48am) *

QUOTE(Bobby Eberle @ 10 Mar 2009)

The point to keep in mind is that all information sources must be met with a critical eye. When it comes to talk radio or political commentary, readers generally know that there is a party angle or philosophy associated with the writings. However, many don't bring that same critical review to bear when examining information sources such as Wikipedia or FactCheck. The time to be most vigilant is when sources, such as the main stream media, present information as fact when it is clearly opinion. Unfortunately, as we saw in the last campaign, putting our faith in the main stream media to get it right is like banging your head against a wall.

Posted by Bobby Eberle, March 10, 2009, 6:58 am frustrated.gif

Keep Banging, Dude …

Ja Ja boing.gif
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