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•Wikipedia Jimmy Wales Lectures at BITS Pilani APOGEE 2009 (Pressemitteilung), Austria
2009-03-27 05:10:34 - At BITS Pilani when Jimmy reiterated his clarion call “Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge†the Richter scale measured over 8 and there was a tsunami ...

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QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Thu 26th March 2009, 9:36pm) *

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•Wikipedia Jimmy Wales Lectures at BITS Pilani APOGEE 2009 (Pressemitteilung), Austria
2009-03-27 05:10:34 - At BITS Pilani when Jimmy reiterated his clarion call “Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge†the Richter scale measured over 8 and there was a tsunami ...

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What does everyone think of that website's design? Is it OK?

The main page of the website seems OK, but it has a horizontal scroll at my resoluation. sad.gif

Should they GFDL or CC-by-sa the article?
You're going to be soooo disappointed when you get to 300 posts....
From the article:

In a way wikia challenges google and let there be no doubt that for Jimmy who has taken up the same as a mission with passion, there are no dreams too large, no innovation unimaginable and no frontiers beyond reach. Throughout his talk, Jimmy had the audience in the jam packed auditorium of the Institute eating out of his hands and was his usual best in answering a volley of questions posed by the students.

Unbiased journalism, at its best.
QUOTE(UseOnceAndDestroy @ Fri 27th March 2009, 1:30am) *

You're going to be soooo disappointed when you get to 300 posts....

good advice, probably
The only reason I do not suspect Jimbo of writing this idiotic bit of PR blather himself is that it does not feature a wildly inappropriate use of the words "diplomacy" or "neutrality".
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