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the fieryangel

This is your typical PR puff piece :

Jimmy Wales, the self-made guru of mass content and co-founder and chair of Wikia, Inc., is many things: A founding father of the open-source movement, a visionary internet entrepreneur, a tech pundit, and a media darling. The founder of Wikipedia has managed to -- for the most part -- stay above the backbiting that characterized the online encyclopedia as it mushroomed into the unstoppable arbiter of truth, usurping the mantle of the Encyclopedia Britannica.

It's interesting the WP/Wikia is doing a PR blitz like this just now...but the real interest here are the brilliant comments by our own Greg Kohs, on all three pages!

Be sure to read the journalist's reply on the first page!

You go, Greg!
At the end of page three, he says:

"Cheer up, the recession will be over soon"???

Umm, I don't think so, Jimbo! For economies to work their way out of recessions, businesses have to actually pay people.

And that's completely irrespective of the role WP played in the Naked Short Selling fiasco... angry.gif
Kohs has achieved ubiquity. Like Palmer Eldritch.

And Jimbo's still a deluded twit.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(the fieryangel @ Fri 27th March 2009, 2:42pm) *

Yes, but it has many good moments:

iMedia: Any updates on WikiaSearch?

Wales: I have my team focused on the front end, working on the user experience, and making sure we have all the wiki-like tools people need to work on the site. We're just cranking away.

iMedia: What would be the critical mass of users to make it useful?

Wales: I don't normally think in those terms. I do whatever I think is the most fun, and hopefully people like it.

That last may seem like Jimbo trying to sound like Le Grand Artiste, but it's actually truer than you realize. It his life-philosophy. "If I think it's fun, I'll do it. I don't really care if it hurts people or pisses them off."

This guy really needs to be the subject of many lawsuits. When he starts complaining about why people are trying to mess with him, somebody should just say "Hey, we do what we think is the most fun."

The other thing is this is all a rationale for "cranking away" on WikiaSearch. Does anybody really believe anybody is seriously "grinding away" on a project which will try to compete with Google while having (this is an actual number) 1/1000th of Google's server capacity? If they are, they're fools-- things do have to be useful in this life. And if not, Jimbo is lying. unsure.gif ZOMG.
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Sat 28th March 2009, 11:25am) *
That last may seem like Jimbo trying to sound like Le Grand Artiste, but it's actually truer than you realize. It his life-philosophy. "If I think it's fun, I'll do it. I don't really care if it hurts people or pisses them off."

In which case, he's talking like any number of other dot-commie "digerati".
Fools who believe their own hokey press releases, etc.....

Have you ever actually read some of Esther Dyson's columns, or one of George Gilder's books?
They make Jimbo look like a piker. Which he is.

This guy really needs to be the subject of many lawsuits. When he starts complaining about why people are trying to mess with him, somebody should just say "Hey, we do what we think is the most fun."

Unlike the other funtime digerati, he's got an actual monster project going.
Something so big, it can't be controlled anymore. Kevin Kelly probably thinks
Jimbo's a genius for stumbling (brainlessly) into a scheme to generate millions of
megabytes of "content" without actually paying anyone.

Even WIRED magazine, which Kelly helped found, isn't running Jimbo's press releases
anymore---now they run stuff like this and this.

It probably won't work in creating a search engine, but that won't stop Jimbo.
Because he has a lifetime supply of (unpaid) ass-kissers.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Sat 28th March 2009, 8:39pm) *

Have you ever actually read some of Esther Dyson's columns, or one of George Gilder's books?
They make Jimbo look like a piker. Which he is.

Can't say I've ever read anything by Esther, though I did hear her speak about trying to figure out how to keep ICANN out of the hands of EVIL. I get a lot of spam which traces back to IANA which ICANN runs now, but I suppose it's not IANA's fault, nor Esther's. She sounded reasonable at the time-- at least she said nothing that made me sit up and take notice. The problem of how to assign all those IPv6 addresses must be maddening, since there's no rational way to do it without being able to predict the future. All you can do is something temporary, whilst you work on the metaproblem of how to allow the system to re-wire itself (it's own addresses, if you know what I mean), as needed, so it's not frozen-in.

I've read books by Esther's bother and father-- both really cool dudes.

So what's Esther's problem? She predicted some of the present free-info insanity on the net, but it's not clear to me if she's for it. She herself seems to have made money not selling information, but selling little IT companies to larger ones. Which sort of reminds me of the people who make money by selling the secret of riches to OTHER people....
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Sat 28th March 2009, 4:24am) *

Kohs has achieved ubiquity. Like Palmer Eldritch.

It wears me out, though. I'm thinking that I might have to start asking for financial support to help offset the medical costs.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sat 28th March 2009, 9:45pm) *
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Sat 28th March 2009, 4:24am) *
Kohs has achieved ubiquity. Like Palmer Eldritch.
It wears me out, though. I'm thinking that I might have to start asking for financial support to help offset the medical costs.

You shoulda gotten in on the ground floor of that Chew-Z business.....
QUOTE(the fieryangel @ Fri 27th March 2009, 5:42pm) *

This is your typical PR puff piece :

Jimmy Wales, the self-made guru of mass content and co-founder and chair of Wikia, Inc., is many things: A founding father of the open-source movement, a visionary internet entrepreneur, a tech pundit, and a media darling. The founder of Wikipedia has managed to -- for the most part -- stay above the backbiting that characterized the online encyclopedia as it mushroomed into the unstoppable arbiter of truth, usurping the mantle of the Encyclopedia Britannica.

It's interesting the WP/Wikia is doing a PR blitz like this just now...but the real interest here are the brilliant comments by our own Greg Kohs, on all three pages!

Be sure to read the journalist's reply on the first page!

You go, Greg!

I'm not seeing our duped journalists' Comment area any more. All stricken from the record, I suppose? Funny how these journalistic (semi-?)professionals are supposedly disseminating the truth, but when it's fed right back to them, they snuff it out.
A very insightful blog post about the failure of Wikia Search (and the future failure of Wikia Answers) is found here.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 16th April 2009, 2:36pm) *

I'm not seeing our duped journalists' Comment area any more. All stricken from the record, I suppose? Funny how these journalistic (semi-?)professionals are supposedly disseminating the truth, but when it's fed right back to them, they snuff it out.

They seem to have adopted the Wikipediot Mottoes:
  • We only censor the things that we don't like.
  • «Open» is just another anagram for «Nope».
Jon hrmph.gif
the fieryangel
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Mon 30th March 2009, 12:20am) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Sat 28th March 2009, 9:45pm) *
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Sat 28th March 2009, 4:24am) *
Kohs has achieved ubiquity. Like Palmer Eldritch.
It wears me out, though. I'm thinking that I might have to start asking for financial support to help offset the medical costs.

You shoulda gotten in on the ground floor of that Chew-Z business.....

Hey, you don't suppose that Rachael Marsden is really "Perky Pat" in disguise, do you?
These journalists have no integrity. It's pathetic. They have no problem spewing out the lies fed to them by the people they interview, but God forbid someone with some clue point it out to them.

Censorship is awesome. And I mean that sarcastically, in case the quirky blonde "journalist" should happen by this and not get it.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(LaraLove @ Thu 16th April 2009, 7:43pm) *

These journalists have no integrity. It's pathetic. They have no problem spewing out the lies fed to them by the people they interview, but God forbid someone with some clue point it out to them.

Censorship is awesome. And I mean that sarcastically, in case the quirky blonde "journalist" should happen by this and not get it.

You gotta look at what that Town Crier Flyer is all about. It's all about Boosterism and riding the coattails of the Next Big Thing — never mind the fact that they're several years behind the wave, that's just the usual backwater lag. You can't really expect them to tolerate any sort of Boom Busting Gloom & Doom Reality Checking Downers in their pages, now can you?

It just don't sell …

Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(LaraLove @ Thu 16th April 2009, 6:43pm) *

These journalists have no integrity. It's pathetic. They have no problem spewing out the lies fed to them by the people they interview, but God forbid someone with some clue point it out to them.

Censorship is awesome. And I mean that sarcastically, in case the quirky blonde "journalist" should happen by this and not get it.

It looks like the blonde "journalist"'s final gig with Imediaconnection was October 2009. Funny, I warned her about Wikipedia's potential effect on the job security of encyclopedia editors and of journalists and newspaper publishers. She didn't seem willing to consider my thoughts.

Oh, whew -- she's still freelancing.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 6th December 2010, 12:12pm) *
Oh, whew -- she's still freelancing.

Bloody hell---what shallow drivel. She should be writing for celebrity tabloids.
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Mon 6th December 2010, 5:36pm) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 6th December 2010, 12:12pm) *
Oh, whew -- she's still freelancing.

Bloody hell---what shallow drivel. She should be writing for celebrity tabloids.

Oh I dunno, I found the Angry Birds writeup to be hard hitting.
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