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•'The Wikipedia Revolution' by Andrew Lih impresses even a skeptic ...
The Plain Dealer -, OH
In Hawaii, wiki translates as quick, but in tech-speak it's a Web site anyone can edit. If you've posted on Flickr or commented on a blog, you're a citizen of wiki-world. And if you've run an electronic search lately, chances are excellent you've come ...

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If you've posted on Flickr or commented on a blog, you're a citizen of wiki-world.

Well, that's completely untrue...

What's more, despite the title, this article says absolutely nothing about "impressing skeptics" in any way whatsoever. It's just the usual PR fluffery.
If you've posted on Flickr or commented on a blog, you're a citizen of wiki-world.

No, you're an inmate in the Google-prison. Wiki my ass. Wiki could go away tomorrow and it would not be much missed. But take Google's many, many outposts down, and you WILL hear about it from millions of people.
QUOTE(Somey @ Sun 5th April 2009, 12:01pm) *

If you've posted on Flickr or commented on a blog, you're a citizen of wiki-world.

Well, that's completely untrue...

What's more, despite the title, this article says absolutely nothing about "impressing skeptics" in any way whatsoever. It's just the usual PR fluffery.

... and the "Website anyone can edit" bit. Not all wikis are like that.

Then there's "... Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales ... " - I'll bet that's causing some gnashing of teeth somewhere in San Francisco right now ... laugh.gif
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