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•Volunteers to put art online for Wikipedia
Nieuws uit Amsterdam, Netherlands
In June, volunteers will visit Dutch museums to take photographs of art objects. The photos will be published online with a creative commons (CC) license, which means that they can be freely used provided the source is acknowledged. ...

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QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Wed 22nd April 2009, 9:07am) *

•Volunteers to put art online for Wikipedia
Nieuws uit Amsterdam, Netherlands
In June, volunteers will visit Dutch museums to take photographs of art objects. The photos will be published online with a creative commons (CC) license, which means that they can be freely used provided the source is acknowledged. ...

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I hope they are aware, and have thought through the consequences of the CC BY SA license which includes remix, adopt and use for commercial purposes. Anything in their collections can now be used as a platform for pornography, a company logo or compete across the street from the museum gift shop.
They want to use CC, but which ones? Those non commercial licenses aren't good enough for Wikimedia's policy on copyrights. Perhaps if they are told that their images will be sold for profit they'll think some more before giving them to Wikipedia.
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