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•Debt Buyer Loses Collection Case Appeal Over Wikipedia Page
InsideARM, MD
An appeals court has reversed a $17500 judgment against a debtor over evidence submitted in the original trial: a page from the online encyclopedia site Wikipedia. by insideARM staff An appeals court in New Jersey has overturned a $17500 judgment ...

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I hope that Pressler and Pressler is paid up on their E&O policy.
Palisades’ legal representation claimed that Graubard owed $30,500 on a credit card account he opened in 1999 with Chevy Chase Bank. ... According to the court records, the plaintiffs contended that Chevy Chase’s credit card operations had been purchased by Bank One, Bank One was subsequently purchased by JP Morgan, who then sold the account to Palisades.

I wonder, was this the bit of inaccurate information in WP in this case?
QUOTE(Random832 @ Fri 24th April 2009, 8:42pm) *

Palisades’ legal representation claimed that Graubard owed $30,500 on a credit card account he opened in 1999 with Chevy Chase Bank. ... According to the court records, the plaintiffs contended that Chevy Chase’s credit card operations had been purchased by Bank One, Bank One was subsequently purchased by JP Morgan, who then sold the account to Palisades.

I wonder, was this the bit of inaccurate information in WP in this case?

No, that appears accurate:

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