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•'The Wikipedia Revolution,' 'Stealing MySpace' and 'Viral Spiral'
Los Angeles Times, CA - Lizzie Skurnick
By Lizzie Skurnick When the history of the Web is written, in what form will our progeny receive it? Via grainy promotional YouTube videos from Google? By listening to dusty Jeff Jarvis podcasts? Perhaps annotated, crowd-sourced and pre-preferenced ...

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Not a very positive review of the book.

It seems almost pedantic to point out that, as the Web is a dynamic, immediate experience, a book is doubly hindered in that it can neither replicate nor necessarily explicate it well. But that's not the essential problem. Sure, for looking at the Web, books are an unwieldy medium. But more to the point, these works, heavy on cliché and jargon and light on thoughtful analysis, are definitely not the message.
Finally! A review from someone who actually read the damned thing, instead of regurgitating comments from the dust jacket.
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