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•Wikipedia prankster ridicules Metchosin 'hicks'
Times Colonist, Canada
Here's something you didn't know about Metchosin: Its residents are descended mostly from a combination of inbred hicks, thieves, washed-up hippies, weirdos, creeps, beatniks, draft-dodging cowards, social misfits and other similar malcontents, ...

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•Wikipedia prankster ridicules Metchosin 'hicks'
Times Colonist, Canada
By Jack Knox, Times ColonistJune 4, 2009 6:06 AMComments (3) Here's something you didn't know about Metchosin: Its residents are descended mostly from a combination of inbred hicks, thieves, washed-up hippies, weirdos, creeps, beatniks, draft-dodging ...

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