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WMF office manager Daniel Phelps has removed references to Michael W Godwin's bar memberships from his Foundation and enwiki user pages.

Both the DoC and California bar list him as an active member. I wonder what the deal is.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(tarantino @ Fri 5th June 2009, 10:17pm) *

WMF office manager Daniel Phelps has removed references to Michael W Godwin's bar memberships from his Foundation and enwiki user pages.

Both the DoC and California bar list him as an active member. I wonder what the deal is.

Well, one of the edits removes email address and a personal phone number also, duh.

As for the others, I suppose they allow you to infer that Godwin lived in Texas and now in California. Golly, personal.

Speaking of shockers I Google-mapped my house the other day and found that the Google map truck had driven by (rather small neighborhood residential) street. So, the ground level view gives the outside of my home, and with mouse pressure on either left or right rotations I can get a 360 degree pan-- up my street, down it, across at my neighbors. By the cars, taken in the last couple of months.

Try it for yourself. You might find yourself in your underwear picking up your AM paper rolleyes.gif Really, you thought the arial photos were shocking-- the street level stuff is just as bad.

Of course I had to see if the Google truck had gone down to see 39 Stillman in SF (WMF) and 3rd Avenue in San Mateo ( to 60 E) to go past Wikia. No such luck. Wikia by satellite/plane is a pretty big square building on 3rd Ave in the middle of the block-- twice the area of WMF at least (which is that skinny purple fronted thing). These things are leaving the industrial real estate behind. The closest Google maps will do is put me on the intersection of 3rd Ave at S El Camino Real (just enter "3rd Avenue San Mateo") where you can look down the blook at 60 E. Not very good. Same way if you just enter "Stillman Street San Francisco"-- you'll get the view on 3rd street and Stillman, looking parallel to the highway on Stillman, and if you look down that block, there in the middle, is the skinny mauve job.

But the Google trucks must come to everyone, sooner or later. It has to do with the internet, free culture, and verifiable public information. You see.
I completely missed this thread. Is Google somehow censoring what I'm able to see on WR when I click the "New Posts: All" link? Or, is it Godwin doing it to me?
[Moderator's note: comments solely on Google Streetview have been split to a thread in Poltics, Religion, etc. -- gomi]
QUOTE(tarantino @ Sat 6th June 2009, 3:17pm) *

WMF office manager Daniel Phelps has removed references to Michael W Godwin's bar memberships from his Foundation and enwiki user pages.

Both the DoC and California bar list him as an active member. I wonder what the deal is.

Really? That's just the kind of thing that the Nazis would have done.

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