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•Med students should be editing, not using, Wikipedia
Everyone knows I love Wikipedia. Our librarian knows it, regular readers know it, my mom knows it. I defend its value and its place in education as a quick reference, preliminary source, and bibliographic reference on a variety of topics. ...

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Milton Roe
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Tue 9th June 2009, 9:22am) *

•Med students should be editing, not using, Wikipedia
Everyone knows I love Wikipedia. Our librarian knows it, regular readers know it, my mom knows it. I defend its value and its place in education as a quick reference, preliminary source, and bibliographic reference on a variety of topics. ...

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Learning, teaching, and communication are changing, even in the great halls of medicine. Any med schools care to embrace Wikipedia fully instead of having students keep its use a dirty little secret?

Que the Doctor Wikipedia parody.

Actually, having medical students read the thing for intros is not as horrifying as it sounds. Being as how med students and law students have no impact at all on how these professions are practiced and decisions are made in them. By the time any professional gets to decision-making level, he or she will long since have corrected any errors about law or medicine picked up in Wikipedia (or in college or high school, or in childhood when playing nurse with dolls).
This isn't the first time quasi-journalist Christopher Dawson has made Wikipedia-worship his subject of choice. We have another fanboy. Meh.
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Tue 9th June 2009, 4:29pm) *

Actually, having medical students read the thing for intros is not as horrifying as it sounds. Being as how med students and law students have no impact at all on how these professions are practiced and decisions are made in them. By the time any professional gets to decision-making level, he or she will long since have corrected any errors about law or medicine picked up in Wikipedia (or in college or high school, or in childhood when playing nurse with dolls).

Yeah, funny how most children will play "doctor" at some point, but rarely "lawyer". tongue.gif

But yeah, by then that point they'll have unfettered access to the sources we should be citing rather than those we usually settle for.
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