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Full Version: How to become rich and powerful from your Wikipedia involvement
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Just following up on the related topics of Paid editing and "leading Wikipedia" David Shankbone being sponsored by the Israeli government to take pictures of goats pissing for the wikipedia, I wanted to explore other ways of, yes folks, it is ... "How to monetize from your Wikipedia involvement!!!", as the marketing guys say.

On the theme of turning one's Wikipedia involvement into money in one's pocket, I see that Sue Gardner is now exclusively represented by The Lavin Agency for speaking events.

Anyone care to call them up and find out how much she goes for a one night stand?

In Sue's defence, and let us hope this is a trend that increases, a recent press release stated that her fees will be "paid to the Wikimedia Foundation" ... as long as she is working for the Wikimedia Foundation, of course. There are bound to be plenty of opportunities for buck raking after she leaves ... perhaps to promote that 'to be punted as candid and uncensored' book she bound to write romancing her Wikipedian experience (... "One Night in Amsterdam" by Sue Gardner?) .

Is Gardner's gunning for Wales's Wiki-Waffling gigs a realization that he's more of a liability than an asset to the Pee-dia? Is she willing and eager to displace him as the community's leader? I don't know ... that is her business. But, no doubt, she will immediately benefit personally from all those free meals, weekends away, mini-break holidays at exotic venues etc ... and in the long term ... from all those rich professional connections she will make doing 'self' and 'Piss Pee-dia' PR.

But, listen Pee-dia cult followers, my advice to you ... get real about what you are doing and why you are doing it, and use it for something that benefits you, your families or loved one. Here in the now.

Been crapped on once too many times by some rabid POV pushing cabal? Been jerked off by one too many adolescent admin who hasn't even hairs on his balls yet? Wasted hours of your life only to have all of your work defaced or erase by morons ...

WTF are you doing it!?!?

And, more to the point,

WTF are you doing it for nothing when these guys are creaming off the top without swimming in the shit of it all!?!

Now, look ... its proven Jimmy, Sue and all the unpaid cult kapos will turn a blind eye if some Middle Eastern despotic regime slips you some airfares, bucks up for Mediterranean holidays or gives your career a boost with VIP access just to 'encourage truth' in your editing. Follow the leaders ... don't do what they say, do what they do!

Darlings, it does not have to be a crude as "payment".

Ditto, if you can use it for the sake of your career ... label every submission you make "by David Shankbone" (using your own name, naturally. God knows he has had enough coverage) knowing that it will be sucked up by Google and your notoriety ensured.

Work in some way that you can benefit directly in a concrete manner, even if it is only increasing your TOEC score. But get real ... a history of Piss Pee-dia editing is not going improve your academic standing nor get you a job as a copyeditor.

No one really needs "all the world's knowledge". They need clean water, adequate food, less pollution and a few more human rights. They don't have computers. If you want to work for free ... for God's sake do some worthwhile. I mean, get an exercise bike and use it to generate electricity for the grid or something instead.

Altruism as this level is a con. The Wikipedia is a typical cult. You work for free ... they become more rich and powerful. That buys them comforts, now and in the future ... but you, you who are creating that value, are being exploited. You have to give up your comforts in order to be able to afford to contribute.

So ... why ... why are you do it and where is it taking you?

Next we will look at a some useful strategies for increasing your standing and reputation within the cult, how to avoid detection of your own self-interest, when to exit ... and how to transform your experience into real world value as consultants to even bigger dick - but more successful - corporate whores.

Or for those of you that are more modest in your ambitions ... to those reaming the voluntary sector.
Verrrry nice post. The rest of us miserable snarkers are awestuck.

Watched the video--she seems like a decent public speaker, about as good as
a college lecturer........but very very far from Eva Perón levels of inspirational.
I wouldn't pay more than $7500 or so for her speech.....Jimbo might disagree evilgrin.gif
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