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Today's interesting factoid comes from [[Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (Bulgarian game show)]]:
On 13 June, 2002 Asen Angelov answered all the 15 questions. However, he had to return the big prize (100 000 leva), as it turned out that his daughter Iskra Angelova was a host of a morning show aired on Nova Television, which airs Stani bogat, too, which is against the rules. However, Asen Angelov is still the only winner of the show.
QUOTE(carbuncle @ Mon 15th June 2009, 8:37am) *

Today's interesting factoid comes from [[Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (Bulgarian game show)]]:
On 13 June, 2002 Asen Angelov answered all the 15 questions. However, he had to return the big prize (100 000 leva), as it turned out that his daughter Iskra Angelova was a host of a morning show aired on Nova Television, which airs Stani bogat, too, which is against the rules. However, Asen Angelov is still the only winner of the show.

And, as we all know, thanks to my "baby" posts here, Iskra Angelova has been described by Jimmy Wales as "your lovely TV star". And, thus we come full circle to how this relates to Wikipedia.

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