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Great Moments in Our Glorious Leader's Life : I
(On Wikipedians receiving financial benefits from their Wikipedia involvement)

Where do you get that comic book font, Cock-up?

I love these creative displays of yours! You should do one about, then submit it to them for their "Remixed" section on the website.

Next up, let's not forget the "surrogate edits for sex" scandal!
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 17th June 2009, 8:08am) *

Where do you get that comic book font, Cock-up?

I love these creative displays of yours! You should do one about, then submit it to them for their "Remixed" section on the website.

Next up, let's not forget the "surrogate edits for sex" scandal!

It's best just to leave the edits on the laptop on the dresser and not say anything about it.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 17th June 2009, 2:08pm) *
Where do you get that comic book font, Cock-up?

Its Lint McCree BB and widely available. Sources and subject matters are welcome. I am fairly new to this whole Wikidrama thing.

The faceless censors are already out clipping my wings though ... apparently I am lowering the tone of the forum..

Its kind of tough not to do so without making adult references when the project was born out of the fruits of porn, continued through the likes of the Rachel "brains" Marsden episode, widely accommodates "cocky" David Shankbone-like obsessions with genitalia and so on. I hope folks are mature enough to appreciate the symbolic values and am perfectly happy to voice my own position on these issues.

The Hiring of Chief Executive Sue Gardner


Godwin was due to speak at Santa Clara University on "The World that Wikipedia Made: The Ethics and Values of Public Knowledge" but Valleywag learned that Godwin backed out of the talk, with two days' notice, and that the foundation has refused to supply another Wikipedia official in his place.

Last year, Wikipedia hired an executive-search firm to find someone to run its nonprofit parent, the Wikimedia Foundation. Thousands of dollars later, it concluded that Wikipedia was "too immature" as an organization to hire a boss
Great Moments in Our Glorious Leader's Life : III
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