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Full Version: Why does Brett Favre hate Wikipedia?
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Kurt M. Weber
All this retirement-unretirement-retirement-will he unretire with the Vikings or anyone else-talk requires a lot of work to keep his Wikipedia page updated--which burns up time that would be better spent driving off valuable contributors who point out those with a vested interest in the corrupt status-quo and demand their removal.
So the editing on his article should be done by the subset of Wikipedians who keep retiring and unretiring from their editing hobbies. They would presumably sympathize more with his status... or is that a conflict of interest?
QUOTE(Kurt M. Weber @ Wed 24th June 2009, 4:16pm) *

All this retirement-unretirement-retirement-will he unretire with the Vikings or anyone else-talk requires a lot of work to keep his Wikipedia page updated--which burns up time that would be better spent driving off valuable contributors who point out those with a vested interest in the corrupt status-quo and demand their removal.

Who cares about Brett Favre? When I lived in Mississippi in the early 90s some of my compatriots in my National Guard unit were classmates of his at Southern Mississippi. They didn't have much that was nice to say about him. I respected their opinions, and have thus been prejudiced against him ever since. Anyway, unless you have evidence that he actually reads his Wikipedia entry, shouldn't this thread be in the Article forum?
This is basically the "Recentism" problem with respect to BLP's, isn't it? Or at least that's what they call it in order to avoid the phrase "obsessive and possibly creepy documenting of a celebrity's every move and utterance in almost-real-time."

They should just protect the page until he signs a contract, if you ask me... Or maybe wait until he actually takes a snap.

QUOTE(Cla68 @ Wed 24th June 2009, 11:33am) *
Anyway, unless you have evidence that he actually reads his Wikipedia entry, shouldn't this thread be in the Article forum?

Probably, but IMO we should see how silly the thread gets first, and then decide.
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