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Full Version: Newbie asks: who are the administrators and higher-ups?
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Hi Everyone. Apparently this will be introduction time. I am Reverend Antonio Hernandez, an ill-tempered old Buddhist priest and a native of the U.S. Also, I'm a super-pissed-off former Wikipedia editor.

After being kicked in the cyberballs so many months in a row by W, I have to ask a rather amateurish query that probably has an answer elsewhere here: Who the fuck are these "administrators"?

In my past life, as a law enforcement officer, I encountered similar personalities, not serving on the same side as I was serving. So I suspected from the start that the typical administrator must be: 13 years of age, physically/mentally; a slob with zero life experience and a big mouth; a bone to pick with the world; an inferiority complex that fights and even bigger messiah complex; and not two neurons to rub together.

I call your attention to the hideous, 3-year-long battle of the witless occurring at the entry for Anna Anderson. She was a tough old broad who seems to have fooled the world into thinking she was the Grand Duchess Anastasia, daughter of the last Czar Nikolas II. In actuality she was a Polish-Kashoubian laborer who wanted to be an actress.

That is where I got gang-banged for trying to improve this entry and write only truth. Well I was being rather Bambi-ish--it had been years since I had been to W, I thought it might be the same basic joke of a site and I could practice my editing there as I always did. It was a hobby, and I thought whatever I write will be fucked up within 3 minutes.

Instead, I felt like I had accidentally slipped onto the property of NORAD. And basically, they saw me, came toward me, worked me over with a dozen billy clubs then shot my arms to pieces.

This was one person with lots of socks, but also about four administrators on a leash. They didn't like me (that means I was a vandal, a cyberterrorist, a hounder, a disruptive editor), so they range-blocked my IPs. IPs ''fluctuate'' for me, because my web service is registered as a business. Well, there was another crime (block evasion) because I slipped in to defend myself during the time my block was in place.

Why all this mess?--because I was a known user, meaning they knew who I am. Yet they persisted in accusing me of being four different people, we're al each others' sock puppets, and all the rest of the junior high schoolishness. My genuine plea for help form an administrator resulted in giant guffaws directed at my presence, and the admin I approached for help showed the usual pattern: ignored me, gossiped openly with other users about me, laughed about the beatings I took, and finally... wait for it... range-blocked me. Again.

Why do I post all this? Because it's that fascist, Communist-rule-book-cum-junior-high mentality that has destroyed the very concept of wiki, a concept in which I once believed. Who can do battle against such stupidity?

I apologize for this rambler, and I'm tired. But I love this place and am slowly learning the ropes.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(antoniohernandez @ Thu 25th June 2009, 1:55am) *

[font=Georgia][b][size=3][color=#996633]Hi Everyone. Apparently this will be introduction time. I am Reverend Antonio Hernandez, an ill-tempered old Buddhist priest and a native of the U.S. Also, I'm a super-pissed-off former Wikipedia editor.

After being kicked in the cyberballs so many months in a row by W, I have to ask a rather amateurish query that probably has an answer elsewhere here: Who the fuck are these "administrators"?

In my past life, as a law enforcement officer, I encountered similar personalities, not serving on the same side as I was serving. So I suspected from the start that the typical administrator must be: 13 years of age, physically/mentally; a slob with zero life experience and a big mouth; a bone to pick with the world; an inferiority complex that fights and even bigger messiah complex; and not two neurons to rub together.

Ah, then we have a metaphor. For I have encountered a few of those types among the law-enforcement set. They are a minority, but I think growing.

I saw a video the other night of a man who sat behind his car on a road, in a sit-down protest of a traffic ticket he refused to sign. Tail light out, and he was broke and angry. He offered no resistance, but wouldn't get up and wouldn't roll over to be handcuffed. So the cop tasered him.

He (the cop) is being defended with the utmost zeal by a public defender who is hewing to the new police idea that it is permissable to taser even non-violent and unarmed people, if they refuse to cooperate in any way.

This is much like WP (our usual abbreviation). Let power go unchecked and with too few slaps on the wrist, and it just develops FLIR nightvision on helecopters, 100 million candlepower carlights, police dogs, tasers, SWAT teams, no-knock warrants, and so on. All in the service of the Fight Against Terrorism.

Welcome to Wikipedia Review.
Im afraid theres nothing too unusual about this. Its happened many times.

You probably know that to become an admin all you have to do is edit for a while without annoying too many people then go to WP:RfA where with luck youll get elected by about 50 to 4 out of the thousands and thousands of people who could vote, 99% of whom have never looked at that page.

Many admins look at the Review. If your lucky maybe one of them will look at your work and do something. If not then leave wikipeida alone for ever because your better off without it. Why waste your life trying to improve the unmendable with no reward other than making Jimbo richer?

Welcome, you have links to some examples of your treatment on-wiki?
Everyone here just loves to gawk at accidents. laugh.gif
Son of a Yeti
Power corrupts. And WP gives too much power to too young people.

But it's true that the same happens elsewhere: in the teenage gangs, in the army and even in the police (the policemen are usually older but they have much much more power over the average Joe than a WP admin).
It's now appearing at: Admin notice board
QUOTE(antoniohernandez @ Thu 25th June 2009, 8:55am) *
Why do I post all this? Because it's that fascist, Communist-rule-book-cum-junior-high mentality ... Who can do battle against such stupidity?

Hey ... come on ... easy on the old Left Wing political regimes!

I know the C-word is tantamount to the worst profanity in the 'United States of Yanking Off', and that the Left can go bad from time to time ... but not that bad, surely?

I mean, the Nazis got the trains running on time, the Cubans do a nice side-line in subsidized healthcare ... and both were defeatable (well, both except for the Cubans), so what can you do? The Wiki-spew is already reborn into the Realms of the Undead, cloned listlessly all over the internet on endless scrapper sites. You just have to accept it, as irritating and ubiquitous as chewing gum on subway seats.

Of course, you are exactly right. Thank you for documenting yet another sceptic abscess on the butt of human knowing. Now get back in the frontline, soldier, and screw with their heads a little. Its a long, slow war of attrition from now on in.

I concur with the others. There is no fixing it. It has already passed the best it can ever be and entropy is setting in. Best just puncture a few holes in its corpse, lest it swells up and explodes over all of us, then leave it to the carrion and worms.


QUOTE(Cock-up-over-conspiracy @ Sun 28th June 2009, 12:32am) *

I mean, the Nazis got the trains running on time

Nonsense. German railways had no punctuality problems before Hitler. Your thinking of the fascists in Italy.
Warui desu
QUOTE(sbrown @ Sun 28th June 2009, 11:25am) *

QUOTE(Cock-up-over-conspiracy @ Sun 28th June 2009, 12:32am) *

I mean, the Nazis got the trains running on time

Nonsense. German railways had no punctuality problems before Hitler. Your thinking of the fascists in Italy.

Or you are both thinking of a common urban myth which, despite its popularity, has no truth to it. It is kinda odd though how people seemingly WANT to say "But the fascists had their good points...!", despite the evidence to the contrary. I wonder why that is?
QUOTE(Warui desu @ Sun 28th June 2009, 12:39pm) *

It is kinda odd though how people seemingly WANT to say "But the fascists had their good points...!", despite the evidence to the contrary. I wonder why that is?

The Redeeming Qualities Of Evul People are often cited in attempt to belittle any similar achievements and values held by normal people, or to cast doubt on their actual motives, etc.

But the ones you hear the most are probably true, like the part about Hitler Never Cheated On His Wife (to whom he was married for about 1 day...)
QUOTE(Warui desu @ Sun 28th June 2009, 7:39am) *

QUOTE(sbrown @ Sun 28th June 2009, 11:25am) *

QUOTE(Cock-up-over-conspiracy @ Sun 28th June 2009, 12:32am) *

I mean, the Nazis got the trains running on time

Nonsense. German railways had no punctuality problems before Hitler. Your thinking of the fascists in Italy.

Or you are both thinking of a common urban myth which, despite its popularity, has no truth to it. It is kinda odd though how people seemingly WANT to say "But the fascists had their good points...!", despite the evidence to the contrary. I wonder why that is?

Perhaps because Mussolini has quite of number of living descendants and other relatives, some of whom are still anxious to remake his image. Hitler, on the other hand, had no known descendants. All of his relations (except, I believe, his sister Paula) changed their surnames, and are extremely reluctant to talk about him.
Im certainly not going to say that Mussolini was a good thing. However he wasnt in the same league of nastiness as Hitler (or Stalin). Had it not been for Hitler I suspect hed be thought of as no worse than Salazar in Portugal.
Heck, if we are going to go off topic, it is a wonder to be that no one asked for verifiable citations regarding the state of Cuban healthcare provision. I was thinking of Michael Moore taking some Americans, including 9/11 heroes, over to the island for some medical treatments. I am not entirely sure the source is reliable.

"The Redeeming Qualities Of Evul People" is just a very cheap, useful and common set up line for some other gag. But you have to realise for non-Americans, your popular take on socialism etc is comic for us.

Reverend ... in essence you are asking the same questions that we all asked at the particular point of realisation, or enlightenment, about the Wikipedia that you have just reached.

Its seems to boil down to ... "Jimbo", 10,000 cats and a heavily laden cart to quote some Wikipedia master far wiser and more experienced than me. Just what a Buddhist parable could be made of of that, or already exists, I am not yet sure. I suspect the ones about the two monks, a pretty young women or boat, and a river would fit well.

You have crossed the river ... now put the young girl or that boat in your mind. Your grumpiness and feeling of burden will disappear with it. Just think of it as a particular Realm in Hell that your karma means you are not required to be trapped in for any longer. Luck you.

I suppose if you wanted, you could go back in and consider setting up an 'on-Wiki multi-faith pastoral care service' ... build a little shrine room and salve the poor pilgrims that pass your way?

Its a shame I don't have the time, or paid incentive, to make another cartoon for this one ...
QUOTE(Cock-up-over-conspiracy @ Mon 29th June 2009, 3:11am) *

...Michael Moore taking some Americans, including 9/11 heroes, over to the island for some medical treatments.

To make sure we're on the same page, you might clarify whom we are referring to as an hero in regard to 9/11.


Its a shame I don't have the time, or paid incentive, to make another cartoon for this one ...

You could probably publish a full-time web comic and become "notable" by WP standards.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(sbrown @ Sun 28th June 2009, 2:11pm) *

Im certainly not going to say that Mussolini was a good thing. However he wasnt in the same league of nastiness as Hitler (or Stalin). Had it not been for Hitler I suspect hed be thought of as no worse than Salazar in Portugal.

That Ethiopia thing was a bit over the top.
A Horse With No Name
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Mon 29th June 2009, 11:41am) *

QUOTE(sbrown @ Sun 28th June 2009, 2:11pm) *

Im certainly not going to say that Mussolini was a good thing. However he wasnt in the same league of nastiness as Hitler (or Stalin). Had it not been for Hitler I suspect hed be thought of as no worse than Salazar in Portugal.

That Ethiopia thing was a bit over the top.

For a large man, Mussolini was actually very well dressed. Our hefty admins could take some fashion tips from Il Duce.
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