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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Michael Jackson Died in 2007 : According to Google & [b]Wikipedia[/b]
[size="-1"]Search Engine Journal

According to Google, Michael Jackson did not pass away two days ago. Instead, the search engine is serving a customized result (powered by Wikipedia) ...

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Eva Destruction
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Sat 27th June 2009, 10:37pm) *

<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Michael Jackson Died in 2007 : According to Google & [b]Wikipedia[/b]
[size="-1"]Search Engine Journal

According to Google, Michael Jackson did not pass away two days ago. Instead, the search engine is serving a customized result (powered by Wikipedia) ...

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My god, there were two people with the same name and they died on different days? I can't believe what I'm reading here!
QUOTE(some douche on the internet)

Such is the shameful problem of Google depending on “user generated content” from Wikipedia as a trusted resource, serving the obituary of an little known English writer named Michael Jackson...

Scoff, Michael Jackson (beer expert) was not a "little-known writer" by any stretch. Well hell even I'm familiar with his work and I rarely even drink beer—too many ppm of CO₂ I guess.

I do know his Beer Hunter CD was hugely popular among pre-internet rednecks in the interior U.S.A.
QUOTE(CharlotteWebb @ Sat 27th June 2009, 10:59pm) *

Scoff, Michael Jackson (beer expert) was not a "little-known writer" by any stretch.

Yes but he was British and this is an American site no? How do you expect people in America to have heard of anyone British when its just a little country and a long way away? Theyve probably never heard of General Sir Michael Jackson neither.

Seriously the problem must be Google lag it hasnt yet picked up the changes in the "the Michael Jackson" article.
QUOTE(sbrown @ Sat 27th June 2009, 10:34pm) *

Yes but he was British and this is an American site no?

Oh and just where ya think I'm from, Shaftesbury-upon-Scunthorpe? tongue.gif
LessHorrid vanU
QUOTE(CharlotteWebb @ Sat 27th June 2009, 11:51pm) *

QUOTE(sbrown @ Sat 27th June 2009, 10:34pm) *

Yes but he was British and this is an American site no?

Oh and just where ya think I'm from, Shaftesbury-upon-Scunthorpe? tongue.gif

Not with that attempt at a placename, no.
QUOTE(sbrown @ Sat 27th June 2009, 10:34pm) *

QUOTE(CharlotteWebb @ Sat 27th June 2009, 10:59pm) *

Scoff, Michael Jackson (beer expert) was not a "little-known writer" by any stretch.

Yes but he was British and this is an American site no? How do you expect people in America to have heard of anyone British when its just a little country and a long way away? Theyve probably never heard of General Sir Michael Jackson neither.

Seriously the problem must be Google lag it hasnt yet picked up the changes in the "the Michael Jackson" article.

You must be jesting. Britain is not "just a little country", and United States–Britain relations are significant and long-lasting.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(aeon @ Sat 27th June 2009, 6:03pm) *

QUOTE(sbrown @ Sat 27th June 2009, 10:34pm) *

QUOTE(CharlotteWebb @ Sat 27th June 2009, 10:59pm) *

Scoff, Michael Jackson (beer expert) was not a "little-known writer" by any stretch.

Yes but he was British and this is an American site no? How do you expect people in America to have heard of anyone British when its just a little country and a long way away? Theyve probably never heard of General Sir Michael Jackson neither.

Seriously the problem must be Google lag it hasnt yet picked up the changes in the "the Michael Jackson" article.

You must be jesting. Britain is not "just a little country", and United States–Britain relations are significant and long-lasting.

Britain is just a little country. An island, really. I think they had some historical doings a couple centuries ago, but that's all gone now. All that's left is smelly tubes and some interesting pubs full of out-of-work people.

Oh, yeah, and they do make sweet movies. There is a spirit in the British movie which is spun sugar. It doesn't matter if it's about out of work coal miners forming an orchesta (Brassed Off), or a contest to win the golden shears for being best hair cutter, or The Full Monty or Educating Rita.

The other night in the mail arrived from Netflix a film improbably named 9 Dead Gay Guys. The wicked work of my wife, who I should never have let near the Netflix queue. "Oh, come on, we could have had Watchmen!" Superheros! Alien robots destroy the Earth or something, not the gay scene in *&%$ing London....!" mad.gif

"But you know how you love British movies. Give it 10 minutes. "

"But forgodsake it's about the gay scene in *&%&$#&^%$@ing LONDON....." yak.gif yecch.gif yak.gif sick.gif

So I start to watch this thing. And pretty soon I start to laugh. And I laugh for 90 minutes at characters as finely drawn as by Dickens. I laughed when an Indian cabdriver with a foreskin problem named Dick-cheese Deepak dies as he is thrown, at the point of orgasm, through the window of his taxi after getting only his second blow job in 5 years, a fact that is due to his, erm, problem. hmmm.gif The second, as the first one has been given by the Desperate Dwarf. Who is looking for the stash of the Queen, who he has killed with a cattle prod, after being insulted about his willie. Somehow this perverse and perverted little film kept drawing me in, and it was all sweet as a cremepuff.

So, thanks for those films, Britain, country of Oscar Wilde. I don't really know how you do it. biggrin.gif Must have to do with being a deeply degenerate society after all those centuries of lording it over the civilized world. But it's made you quite, QUITE special.

tongue.gif Milton
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