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Seeing a post today, it struck me that there was a nice little competition we could run:

What is the best example you can find of a fact removed from Wikipedia due to the citation not being available on Teh Internets?

Points will be awarded for:

1) The quality of the written source
2) The seniority of the Wikipediot
3) The notability of the subject
4) Talk page evidence that the Wikipediot knowingly dismissed the source.

Bonus points for Well-Known-Characters, humour, and so on. Multiple entries accepted. Do not write on both sides of the keyboard at the same time. Points deducted for mentions of turkey, basting, brine or electric kitchen knives.

First prize: Wikipedia Admin account in good standing*
Second Prize: Two Wikipedia Admin accounts in good standing**

* Possibly untrue.±
** The old jokes are the best.

±Donations gratefully received, though.
QUOTE(dogbiscuit @ Mon 29th June 2009, 4:15am) *

Points deducted for mentions of turkey, basting, brine or electric kitchen knives.

Another rigged contest! Damn you.
This ought to be good.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 29th June 2009, 1:31pm) *

QUOTE(dogbiscuit @ Mon 29th June 2009, 4:15am) *

electric kitchen knives.

Another rigged contest! Damn you.

Hahaha. My boyfriend's mom bought me an electric knife one Christmas but I never used it because that's exactly what I was thinking, and it gave me the creeps. In fact my exact words were "what the fuck is this, Martha Stewart meets Hannibal Lector?"

It's still in the box and was an ongoing joke until a few months ago when I realized they had in fact been dating each other shortly before that.

That, my friends, is even more creepy.

QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Mon 29th June 2009, 2:46pm) *

This ought to be good.

Yeah. This and this (read the whole thread) will be no high-scorers, but are recommended reading nonetheless.
I'll take current event - "Pajhwok doesn't appear to be reliable" for the whole pot?
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