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Even in a discussion about the NY Times news embargo on Rohde's hostage situation, Jimbo won't miss the chance to get in a dig:

The anon, thankfully, didn't really know the right way to go about making a stink on an admin noticeboard. The kinds of trolls who monitor my every move to look for nefarious motives didn't know or notice.

Jimbo, here's some advice...

Maybe you wouldn't have so many trolls monitoring you if you weren't so darned nefarious!

the big wiki disease right here sick.gif sick.gif sick.gif sick.gif sick.gif sick.gif sick.gif sick.gif sick.gif sick.gif sick.gif sick.gif sick.gif sick.gif sick.gif sick.gif sick.gif yak.gif
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 8th July 2009, 11:43pm) *

Even in a discussion about the NY Times news embargo on Rohde's hostage situation, Jimbo won't miss the chance to get in a dig:

The anon, thankfully, didn't really know the right way to go about making a stink on an admin noticeboard. The kinds of trolls who monitor my every move to look for nefarious motives didn't know or notice.

Jimbo, here's some advice...

Maybe you wouldn't have so many trolls monitoring you if you weren't so darned nefarious!

is jimbo calling Rachel Marsden a troll again? sigh.

Jimbo is a scumbag. End of story.

but he's helping children in Africa, and his foundation is huge
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 8th July 2009, 6:43pm) *
Even in a discussion about the NY Times news embargo on Rohde's hostage situation, Jimbo won't miss the chance to get in a dig:
The anon, thankfully, didn't really know the right way to go about making a stink on an admin noticeboard. The kinds of trolls who monitor my every move to look for nefarious motives didn't know or notice.

Well, that's a classic narcissist-type o' thing to say, isn't it? Typical!

As it happens, various folks who actually thought he was doing the right thing at the time may very well have noticed, and decided it would be nicer to let him keep on doing it.
I feel that having courted publicity for quite some time now, Jimmy has discovered that not everyone wishes him well, and its pretty unpleasant when former girlfriends turn up on eBay to sell his stuff.
Just so there's no confusion, and Jimmy can't call me a "mere troll":

Fuck you, Mister Wales.
And the horse you rode in on.

You are, at best, an incompetent
manager and an arrogant twat.

I've said this before, and I'll keep repeating
it till it sinks into your thick little head:
If you cared about your "encyclopedia",
you'd quit, and let someone better
qualified run it.
Isn't publicly dissing alleged trolls an insidious form of trolling itself? After all, the whole point of trolling is to elicit a lulzworthy reaction such as the ones above.
LessHorrid vanU
QUOTE(Moulton @ Sat 11th July 2009, 2:13pm) *

Isn't publicly dissing alleged trolls an insidious form of trolling itself? After all, the whole point of trolling is to elicit a lulzworthy reaction such as the ones above.

Yes, but trolling the General Public is better known as "Public Relations".
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